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After saying our goodbyes, Percy, Annabeth and I stepped into the now turning blue, portal. And, can I tell you, all Hades broke loose! Being inside the portal, it felt like as if the breath was being sucked out of me. I tried reaching for my bow, or at least my daggers, but my arms were rigid and wouldn't move. I then, thought that maybe I was dreaming or something, but no. I just had to be in a portal where I couldn't breathe. Uh huh. Pros of being a demigod! Almost immediately, we started tumbling forwards, and then a living room came into view, as if it was just at the end of a dark and magical tunnel. When we reached the end of the tunnel, the portal sort of spat us out. Annabeth and I, landing on our feet, but Percy landing on the floor with a big THUMP! The portal then shut off behind us.

I could hear thundering footsteps coming from a spiralling stairwell in a corner of the room. Soon, I could see feet on the staircase, but more than one set. Maybe 3?

'Hello?' Says a voice from the staircase. A male voice. Is it Ronald? I thought. No. It's not.

Then, the guy, who I assumed was the voice, stepped onto the carpet. He had ginger hair and a bucket load of freckles. Behind him came two children. One of them about our age and the other one was probably maybe a few years younger.

'Who are you?' The guy who came first onto the carpet said.

'Hello!' Said Annabeth, ready to introduce us. 'My name is Annabeth Chase, this is Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace. I'm sorry if we disturbed anything.'

'No, don't worry. My name is Ronald Weasley...' Annabeth, Percy and I cut him off with gasps and a glance to each other. 'And these are my kids. Rose and Hugo.'

'Hello.' Said the oldest one, who I was assuming was Rose.

'Hi.' Mumbled the other. Hugo, maybe?

'Oh! Excuse me, er, Mr Weasley, but our, erm, teacher said to give you these.' Annabeth handed Ronald the papers. 'I don't know whether you were informed of our visit but...'

'No, no. Hermione told me about this. I take it that you're exchange students for Hogwarts?'

'Yes.' Said Annabeth.

'Hmm...' Ronald said, scanning our papers. 'From America, huh?'


'How exactly did you get here?' Rose asked.

'Erm... We came by... Magic!' Annabeth said. I could tell her mind was going a million miles a minute.

'Magic?' Ronald repeated.

'Yes. Our mentor, was going to send us to Ilvermorny, but we persuaded him to let us come to Hogwarts instead. Our mentor was a little biased, for he went to Ilvermorny, but he sent us here through an American magic transportation. He said he would send us to an English wizard and witch's home where we would hopefully be able to stay before going to Hogwarts.' Annabeth was a little out of breath now, her eyes were looking stormy, meaning "don't mess with me while I'm on a quest or you'll regret it badly." I completely get that.

'Okay. Do you already have your school supplies?'

'Umm...' I said, then I realised that there was a weight on my back. I turn around and see a backpack. I opened it and saw a letter that looked official, a box with the words "Olivanders" on it, a stack of neatly folded robes and a stack of books and more odd, magical suff. 'Yes. We do.' I zipped up the backpack. I looked over and saw that both Annabeth and Percy had a backpack too. Thank the gods.

'Well, Why don't Rose and Hugo give you a tour of the house, I just have to answer this letter.' He gestured towards Rose and Hugo. Rose immediately walked towards us and said 'Come on, this is the living room, but over there...' she walked toward an open doorway. '...is the kitchen. Over here,' she then walked to the staircase and started walking up it, leading us demigods. 'The staircase leads to all our bedrooms, a bathroom and that's basically it, except there is the attic all the way up there, but back down here,' she said walking back down and through the kitchen to a room with a glorious oak table with a shimmering silver table cover and chairs that looked more like Olympian Thrones, for they had high backs. The floor had oak wood planks and above the table was a silver chandelier with thousands of little crystals and a candle attached underneath. The walls were bear wood strips that seemed to attach to the floor.

I looked over at Annabeth and she was agape, Percy just said 'wow!'

'Is the dining room. Or at least where we normally eat every night.'

'Thank you for the tour, Rose.' Said a male voice near the back. I realised that it was Hugo, teasing his sister.

'Oh Hugo!' She said. 'Come on, you three,' she said, now ignoring her brother. 'Dad's be finished about now, let's go and find him— Oh! I forgot to show you where mum's and dad's offices are. They are up the staircase and to the immediate right for dad's, but immediate left for mum's. You probably shouldn't go in either of them unless either Mum or Dad ask you in there. So, are you really from America?'

'What?' Percy said, jumping at the turn of conversation. 'Oh, er, yes. We are.'

'Hmmm. Which city or state are you from?'

'New York.' Said Annabeth.

'Is there anything strange that goes on there? Something that isn't exactly magical, like a wizard's magic, but sort of ancient magic or something?'

We glanced at each other through the corners of our eyes. Annabeth spoke up. 'Like ancient magic...? No, of course not! What made you ask?'

'I was just wondering, I've been reading a little about this ancient belief called Greek mythology. Apparently there is also Roman mythology that is similar. Have you heard of them?'

'Oh yes!' Said Percy, his guard now down, causing Annabeth to jump in saying, 'yes, we love it when our mentor tells us stuff like that. He says it's good for us. To know that magic could very well, be based of something more like belief and so he teaches us. We are also all half Greek and so we know and can speak, the language and we know the mythology.'

'Wow.' Rose said, 'maybe we can exchange knowledge sometime later?'

'Yeah, maybe...' Annabeth said. 'Maybe...'

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