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The new kids that arrived just recently, looked like they were holding something back from when I questioned them. I wonder if they even knew of Hogwarts until just, maybe, a few days ago? And, who is their mentor? He couldn't have just sent his students into a random person's house! I don't understand.

Soon enough, Rose, Hugo and the three new kids sounded like they had finished the tour. I thought that I should probably get lunch organised. 'So!' I said, walking down the stairs, dramatically. 'Who's hungry?' I announced this last bit once I got down to their level. Once I got down from the stairs to pits of laughter from my kids. The new kids looked like they were trying to suppress grins. 'It's okay, you know. You can laugh.' I said to them. The guy snickered. The blonde elbowed him in the side. I'd like to say it was playful, but the guy winced and muttered a string of words in another language, that I couldn't quite catch.

'Εγκέφαλος Φυκιών.' The blonde, Annabeth? Said. Was that some weird Spanish origin language?

'Whoa! What language was that?' Asked Hugo in amazement. I had to be a little curious as to where Hugo gets his curiosity from. I have no idea. Probably me.

'Oh! Er...' Annabeth said, as if she was suddenly aware that she spoke in a different language. 'That was Greek...' Wait. Greek? These kids are strange. Didn't they say that they were American wizards?

'Aren't you American?' Asked Rose, voicing my exact thoughts.

'We are.' Said the punky girl. Thalia.

'Then, how come you are fluent in Greek?' Rose is definitely suspicious of something here. Probably gets it from her mother. Hermione is great, but all the times she tried to stop Harry and I from breaking rules... Well, they weren't all successful...

'Well,' said Annabeth. 'Our mentor, he, used to tell us how all spells, like words, had Greek and Latin origins. And he decided to teach us Greek and Latin. We didn't get too far in Latin, before coming up here though.'

Okay, those three are definitely hiding something. I should probably wait for Hermione to do some digging though.

'Who's your mentor?' I asked. I just had to dig a little up.

'Umm...' said Thalia.

'Er... Mr... Wait! Why should we tell you?' Asked Percy. Okay, I got them suspicious. I could see some sort of thing growing in their eyes. A shadow maybe. But of what? Annabeth elbowed him again, making him wince.

'I'm just curious. I mean, maybe I know him.' Okay, suspiciousness is starting to grow in all their eyes. Annabeth's mostly.

'Alright. His name is Mr Brunner.' Percy said, looking at Annabeth with an "I-know-that-you-know-that-"Mr-Brunner"-is-his-cover-name-but-you-need-to-back-me-up-on-this" look. I could see Thalia's eyes growing stormy, like as if she was trying not to laugh or look like something odd was going on.

'Okay.' I said. 'Didn't he used to work in, er...' I racked my brain for any am American city or whatever. 'Manhattan?' The three of them exchanged glances and then nodded. I guess I'm the one hiding something now. Even though they nodded, I could tell that they were surprised that I actually knew where he worked.

'Well, he actually works at Long Island Sound, but you're close enough.' Annabeth said this before getting an elbow from Percy. 'What?' She asked him, annoyed. Clearly, Percy was stronger than he looked.

'Mr Bruner did work in Manhattan, remember?' Then he said some words to Annabeth in Greek. 'ξέρεις, όταν με δίδαξε. η κατ 'οίκον κλήση;'

'Well, yes, Percy, but that was only temporarily. I suppose you're right though.'

'I am right. And Annabeth admits it! Thalia!' He turned to the other one. 'Thalia! Wise Girl, just admitted that I was right!' He said it like it was an accomplished something extremely out of the ordinary.

'Yeah, yeah, Percy. Come on, let's stop all this "chit chat" and actually get somewhere. Excuse me. Mr Weasley?' She turned to me, a dangerous look in her eyes. I wanted to start walking backwards, towards the stairs, very slowly. But I held my ground.

'Yes?' I asked. Layering the courage that I had at the time into my voice.

'When exactly is your wife going to be coming? I would love to meet her. Also when are we going to be going to Hogwarts?' She sounded sort of bored. I hope she's not always like that.

Annabeth looked at me, like as if she could read my thoughts. I really hoped that she couldn't.

'She's always like this.' Was all Annabeth said.

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