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My eyes shot open. I didn't understand. I'm not an early riser, and I didn't have any nightmares... and that's when I heard the thunder. What I heard was like nothing I had heard before. It could have popped my eardrums and made me deaf! I scrambled out of bed and checked the time. 5:40?!  What?! I never wake up that early! I race to the window and can't even see anything, the rain was pouring down so heavily... lightning cracked the sound of thunder echoing in my ears. I raced to my closed door, wrenched it open and ran down the stairs. I looked around the living room and saw Mum and Dad holding Hugo.

'Rose! You okay?' Dad asked, concern filling his eyes.

'I don't know. What's causing the storm?'

'We don't know. It was clear when you guys went to bed but then sometime after that, the storm started. Around 12?' Mum looked at Dad, who confirmed her timings. 'We didn't worry about it because it wasn't this bad then, but now...' She trailed off, her eyes gesturing to the storm outside. I was about to walk over to my family when I heard an ear splitting scream coming from upstairs.

'Sounds like someone is afraid of a storm.' I said. Maybe a little sheepishly, but you can't blame me. I raced upstairs to Annabeth, Percy and Thalia's room. Mum came in to check on me before I fell asleep, informing me of the new sleeping arrangements. I could hear voices from their room and the screams getting louder. With every scream, thunder clashed and with every break, lightning struck something, but never coming too close to our house. I opened the door, not believing my eyes as I saw to figures, one lying on the bed, clearly asleep, and the other sitting next to the sleeping figure, whispering things to them. I saw someone else standing off to the side. Watching the two on the bed.

The sleeping person screamed again, jolting straight upward. 'Annabeth...' Percy said, collapsing into the arms of the figure who was sitting on the bed, who I could only assume was Annabeth.

'You caused quite a storm there, Pearce.' The figure off to the side said. Sounding like Thalia to the very tone of her voice. Wait a minute, I thought, Thalia said "you caused quite a storm"... what did that mean?

'Percy, you okay?' Annabeth asked, her voice layered with concern.

'Y-yeah.' He said shakily. 'I'm f-fine.'

'You most clearly are not.' I said firmly. All three of the jumped at my voice, as if they didn't notice me standing there.

'Rose...' Annabeth said, looking me in the eye. 'We didn't realise that you were in here. Did we wake you?'

'No, but Mum, Dad and Hugo are already awake and woke up a little before you started screaming, Percy.' I looked anywhere but at Percy, though I could tell he flinched. 'Don't worry, it was that storm that woke us up. It's weird, that storm, it wasn't storming last night when I fell asleep, but it was when I woke up. Don't worry, it wasn't you.'

'No, it was.' Percy said.

'How could it have been? You were asleep. Even if you could create such a storm without a wand or incantation, you couldn't if you were asleep, which you clearly were.'

'Okay. Maybe it wasn't me... I blame Thalia!' Annabeth, Thalia and I sighed.

'I don't think that's how it works, Percy.' Annabeth said, laughing. They kept talking about Percy's and Thalia's best storms or how was better at creating storms when I left the room, headed downstairs to tell my parents and Hugo. When I got down the stairs, the three of them looked up at me with quizzical looks on their faces.

'Percy was screaming. He must of been having a nightmare or something. Though, the storm, well, was a storm, a natural storm. I think.'

'Thank you, Rose.' Mum said, Dad nodding in agreement. Hugo shot upright when we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked behind me to see the three Americans walking tiredly down the stairs. Thalia and Annabeth yawned when Percy exhaled through his nose. 'Good morning.' He said, stifling a yawn.

'Good morning.' Hugo said.

'Well, do you all know what day it is?' Dad asked us.

'No. Why?' Annabeth replied, probably hoping that she hadn't forgotten anything important.

'It's the first! Of September! You guys are off to Hogwarts!' He announced with such enthusiasm as he has been doing each year on September first. Since I started going to Hogwarts, obviously.

'Oh, YES! I cannot believe that I forgot!' I said, jumping up excitedly.

'Why don't you all get packing and get changed and ready to go, and then we'll have breakfast and go meet up with Harry and Ginny for a bit before going to the train?' Mum said.

'Yes!' Hugo said, excited to go into his third year at Hogwarts.

'Rose! You have your O.W.Ls this year!' Mum said to me.

'Yay!' I said, exited that I could finally get my O.W.Ls. I had been waiting too long!

'Rosie, don't forget to beat Albus and James and Scorpius in all your tests! If you don't, Mum might have to disown you!' Dad said.

'Oh no, well we can't have that!' I said, layering on sarcasm. 'You three are going into fifth year too, right?' I said, looking at the Americans. They nodded and Annabeth said 'yeah, we are. I'm really excited. These two aren't though.'

'Why ever would you not be excited?' Mum asked Thalia and Percy.

'Well, Annabeth has always been more of the, err, academic, out of the three of us, and Thalia and I were more of the...' Percy trailed off.

'Percy was the seaweed-brained one and I was the middle one.' Thalia said plainly. Only holding a poker face for 2 seconds before she and Annabeth cracked up, with Percy looking at them in distaste. 'Aw, come on!' Percy said, a mischievous grin growing on his face.

'Well, don't wait for the grass to grow!'

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