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Thalia is VERY fun to annoy. We had to go across a lake or something in order to get to the school. And we went on boats! Now as you might have guessed, Thalia did NOT want to participate in this. And therefore, I thought it would be fun to rock the boat a little. It wasn't even very much! I just had it sway every now and then! Thalia was clinging to Annabeth and I was really calm, just having a telepathic conversation with a giant squid in the lake. Of course, I was in the boat, but that didn't stop me from making a friend with the squid.

Annabeth was murmuring all about the architecture and, don't tell her, but I might have zoned out while talking to my buddy, the giant squid. Oh well! I've heard Annabeth talk about architecture before, so it doesn't really matter that I wasn't listening.

Annabeth was right though, of course. The castle, which I believe is supposed to be the school, was very cool. It was very traditional and interesting. I like it. I just hope that the teachers and other students are nice.

I mean, sure! We met this fourth year student, Celeste Scamander, on the train and she seemed nice, but it could've been a play, for all I know. I don't think she was playing us though. She was very genuine. Thalia likes her though. I mean, if she can get Thalia to like her, then she's good enough for me. Too bad we aren't in the same year though. Oh well. I have Annabeth, that's enough for me.

McGonagall, a professor, I think? Oh! She's the headmistress. Yeah, that's it! She told the three of us, Annabeth, Thalia and I, to wait at the back of the hall until she called our names.

The first year students, I think, were the ones supposed to get sorted. But that was after the "Sorting Hat" began singing.

These worlds have come,

From far and wide,

A truce betold,

The rebel's lie.

I may be a hat,

But that doesn't mean,

My mind isn't as strong as thine.

I was enchanted by the great Gryffindor,

The wise Ravenclaw,

The cunning Slytherin,

The kind Hufflepuff.

I know where to put you,

So come as your called.

Your of strength in numbers,

And a wise man of old.

The truth lies deep

In the rebel's soul

Follow through on the Angel's wings,

Your future lies, in the farthest things.

Come together, round and round,

I'll tell you a story,

It'll be shown all around.

This year is a new,

A strange year of new,

Your saving Grace saves the day,

The prophecy for told,

Told truth of it's words.

Now, I've never heard a hat sing before, so you can most likely guess my reaction. I just kinda stood there, dumbstruck. Annabeth and Thalia too, of course.

When the first years had finished being sorted, McGonagall said something about how we were exchange students and will be going into fifth year.

'Chase, Annabeth!' McGonagall called, before Annabeth walked up to the platform. Something was going on in her head with the Sorting Hat. I don't know what it was, but then, the Sorting Hat yelled out, 'GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR! Can't a Hat have some peace?!' Annabeth stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down.

'Grace, Thalia.' I smirked, Thalia hates her last name. I could tell she was grumbling about it too. That just made me smirk more. The same thing happened with Thalia as it had with Annabeth. The hat screamed 'Gryffindor! Gryffindor! What is WRONG with you people??' I laughed, I could only guess what made the Sorting Hat scream.

'Jackson, Perseus!' McGonagall called my name, I tensed at my full name. I hate it when people call me that. 'It's Percy, not Perseus, please.' I grumbled, Thalia and Annabeth both grinned.

Another one?! I cannot believe you people! How could you go through all of that and then still be here?! The Sorting Hat practically yelled in my brain.

'Trust me, buddy, you don't wanna know.' I said to it.

No, I don't believe I do. He paused. Now I don't wanna do this, buddy, but I gotta go down your memory lane here... And with that my whole life practically flashed behind my eyes. Including Tartarus. I don't know whether I like where this is going.

Who ARE you?! You are a crazy person! He screamed in my head. I chuckled. Out loud, the Hat screamed: 'NOT ANOTHER ONE! YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY! GIVE ME SOME SPACE! GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR!' Before, it jumped off my head and tried hopping towards the teachers table. Huh, I guess that hat is either a big baby or a big softy. Nah. He's both.

I got down from the stool and sat down next to Annabeth, who was to the left of Thalia. The feast began shortly after McGonagall said some stuff and I was so amazed by the food they had here. I just ate.

'What an amazing school?!' Annabeth said, as we followed the Gryffindor prefect was it? Up to the Gryffindor dormitories. They were very red. And gold. The only problem was that they separated girls and boys. That meant nightmares... and I don't think I can do anything about that. Maybe Annabeth and I could stay in the common room, instead of our dormitories. I hope so.

'Hi,' said a voice. All three of us had sat down in the common room, talking, and turned when we heard the voice. 'So, you all got Gryffindor, huh?'

'Yeah.' I said to Rose Granger-Weasley.

'Well, welcome! Gryffindor's the best house! If you ask anyone in these dormitories.' She winked at us before heading away. Thalia chuckled. 'Of course it's the best house to everyone in "these dormitories"' she used her fingers to make quote marks, 'they're all in Gryffindor!'

'Mmm. They're quite biased, don't you think? Wouldn't it be better for Hogwarts if all the houses were friends?' Annabeth wondered out loud.

'Yeah, I agree.' I said quietly. 'They would be much better if they all worked together!'

'Kelp Head, you just have to agree with anything Annabeth says, don't you?' Thalia chuckled.

'What?! No! I don't!' I exclaimed. Annabeth and Thalia just chuckled a bit. Good times. I just wish that we had our other friends here too. Maybe they'll be able to come! Maybe...

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