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Percy can get so infuriating, sometimes. I don't think he will ever grow out of it. I guess that makes sense. With him being Percy Jackson. And him being the Son of Poseidon.


'Yes, Percy?'

'What exactly would I need to pack?'

'Well, Riptide, for one.'

'Yeah, but Riptide always shows up in my pocket.'

'Okay, so you don't need to pack Riptide then. What about a shield?'

'Yeah, I'll get the shield Tyson made me.'

'Good idea. What would you incredibly miss while we are in England?'

'Uh... Drachmas?'

'So pack Drachmas.'

'And... what about... erm... I think that's it.'

'Hmm. I suppose it's probably a good thing if you don't bring any bags, right?'

'Yeah, right.'

'Well, let's go get Thalia then, and we'll head back to the Big House and get going!' I was really excited to start the quest. I mean, I had two of my best friends with me! Well, one of my best friends and my boyfriend. I hoped, just then, that the quest would make sense once we got to England. I really did. Because as a child of Athena, I need things to make sense. I hope that makes sense.

We went over to Thalia, who was waiting over near the Big House, sharpening her daggers 'Come on, Thalia. Let's go and get to England!' I could tell that Thalia and Percy were excited too. I knew they were.

'Let's go!' Thalia said, very excitedly.

So, with that the three of us made our way over to the Big House. I could see Chiron waiting for us at the door, smiling.

'Okay, questers. Are you sure you're ready to go?'

'Of course!' Percy said, grinning.

'Well then, come on in.'

As soon as I walked through the door, I could feel a strange aura buzzing in the air, I looked at Thalia and Percy, knowing that they could feel it too. 'What is that?' I asked, pointing to a swirling mass of violet and indigo swirls over in a corner.

'That, questers, is how you will be getting to England.'

'Chiron!' Thalia said, breathlessly. 'How did you get that?'

'It's a portal.'

'Is it going to be like shadow travelling?' Percy asked, holding his stomach.

'No, I hope not. It should be slightly unpleasant though.'

'Well, slightly unpleasant is okay with me.' Percy said, Thalia looked like she agreed. I did too. Come to think of it.

'How did you get a portal?' Thalia asked.

Chiron looked like he wanted to explain in great detail about the portal, but he only replied, 'Hecate.'

'Of course!' I exclaimed. I honestly should've known Hecate would've had something to do with this.

'Now, you three. I have something important to say. You must remember these things. Okay?'

'Yeah!' Percy said.

'Alright' said Thalia, and I said, 'of course.'

'When you arrive in England you will be at the home of someone called Ronald Weasley and his wife, Hermione Granger. Now, only Ronald will be home, because Hermione'll be working. Now, you'll need to give these to Ronald.' He handed me a stack of papers that were stapled in the top left corner. 'And, ensure to be friendly, for I don't think he would take lightly for three strangers to appear in his lounge room.' Thalia and Percy snickered at that. 'Introduce yourselves too, but don't tell anyone about the gods unless you feel that you can trust them. Understood?'

'Yes, of course, Chiron.' I said on behalf of the three of us.

'Well, I suppose you must get going then. You should be out of the portal very quickly, but if you aren't, just hold on. Oh! I forgot to tell you. Ronald and Hermione will take you with their children to Hogwarts and I expect you to not cause any mischief while you are in England.'

'Don't worry, Chiron.' Percy said, not looking so reassuring. 'We won't cause any trouble.'

The way Percy emphasised the word "cause" made me realise that he was implying that trouble normally finds us, we don't cause it. I suppose our existence does though... 'Chiron!'


'What about Monsters?'

'Well, when you get to Ronald's place, you won't be bothered by monsters because Hecate has put magical boundaries around it. And Hogwarts already has magical boundaries. So, you have no need to worry.'

'Thank you.'

'No need.'

'Chiron...' Percy began. 'What exactly are we supposed to be doing? For the quest, I mean.'

'Oh! How could I have forgotten to mention that? Your quest is to protect, and befriend the students and teachers of Hogwarts. But you must keep an eye on the Potters, Granger-Weasleys and Malfoy children.'


'Because, they all play a massive role in this.

The teachers already know that you are demigods and so, you don't need to reveal yourselves at all, but if you must or decide to reveal yourselves, then you may only to the Potters, Granger-Weasleys and Malfoys.'

'Why them?'

'Because they are the only ones who might ever need to know. Also, the gods have only decided to allow those children slash families would need to know.' Chiron looked back at the portal, which was starting to swirl colours of iridescent blues. 'It's time.' He said.

I ran up to hug him. Thalia and Percy did too. 'Bye...' I whispered to Chiron.

'Bye.' He whispered back.

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