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After the most boring class I have ever been in, Percy, Annabeth and I walked out of the room. We were some of the first out - I could barely keep my eyes open. If not for the fact that Percy was happy to talk during History of Magic, I would have most definitely fallen asleep. So much for an actually interesting human class...

After the three of us were out of that boring trench, these two kids came up to us. They were dressed in green - the house of the... snake, was it? Anyways, they were in our class too, so must have wanted to talk to us about something or other.

'Hello!' Said one of them. He had white-blonde hair that I would have thought was bleached if not for the fact that it looked natural on his head. 'My name is Scorpius! And this is Albus.' He gestured to the dark haired kid next to him, who had green eyes and black hair like Percy's. They actually looked fairly similar... and they'd be even more similar if not for the age difference.

'Hello.' Said Annabeth, her calculating gaze drifting over the two in front of us. 'My name is Annabeth, that's Thalia...' I waved when she said my name. 'And this here idiot is my boyfriend, Percy.'

'Oi! Annabeth! I'm not an idiot!' Percy protested. Then Annabeth, smiling at him said, 'oh, Seaweed Brain...' Percy just looked annoyed.

In order to distract the two kids in front of us, I said, 'so what did you come over here to tell us?'

They shared a weary glance with each other. 'We just wanted to become friends...' Said Albus.

'That's okay, though. Right?' Jumped in the Scorpius guy.

I elbowed Annabeth and Percy who were bickering. 'What?' Percy and Annabeth asked in unison. Then they glared at each other. I chuckled at the two.

'These two,' I pointed at Albus and Scorpius, 'want to be friends.' I said. I then turned back to Albus and Scorpius and said, 'Yes. We'd like to be friends.' I paused before leaning forward and whispering, 'sorry about those two, they just bicker and argue all the time - it's seriously a wonder how they're still together...' I stood upright again.

'What class do you have now?' Asked Albus.
'Um...' I looked at Annabeth who had probably memorised our timetables.
'Defence Against the Dark Arts.' She said, with no doubt in her voice.

'We have that too!' Scorpius said, with a little too much enthusiasm.
'Do you want us to show you the way?' Albus asked. Annabeth gratefully nodded - we had no idea where we were going. We basically just knew the way to and from the dormitory to and from the great hall. And to History of Magic as well, I guess.
They lead us along a series of corridors until we saw a door that supposedly lead to the defence against the dark arts room.
The 5 of us walked in.

There wasn't a teacher in sight so we all just sat down at a table.
Other kids were whispering with each other. Which, as this happened in History of Magic as well, could mean that the lesson is going to be boring.

Barely a minute since we came in, the door behind us banged open and out came a black hooded figure that seemed to be floating. The door that presumably leads to the teacher's office banged open and another black hooded figure came out.
Then, a grey fire spread all around the room. It was only on the walls, though. Deciding to test out what it was, I walked over and moved to touch it. I didn't get the chance to, because some scrawny kid that looked like a Latino elf walked in through one of the doors, past the hooded figure and yelled, 'Thalia! Don't TOUCH that!'
The two hooded figures then grumbled. One of which sounded like 'Leo! You just blew our cover!'
The two lowered their hoods. Annabeth got up straight away and ran at Piper, who was where Leo was standing. I ran at Jason who was near the door to the classroom. Percy also ran at Jason, but stopped awkwardly because I got to him first and Percy... ha!

After I stepped away, though, Percy said - and it sounded quite emotional - 'bro.' And Jason returned that same 'bro' in the same "emotional" tone. They hugged.
Bleugh! Boys!

Anyways, Leo, being the reckless child he is, started saying what I think would have ended up being 'hello class!' But Annabeth interrupted him and said, 'Leo! Surely you aren't teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts class!'

He looked a little offended but he was pretending. 'Annabeth, that hurts.' He chuckled. 'So good to be able to say that again!' He paused, turning back to the rest of the class. 'So uh, as you can all see, Jas, Piper and I will be your Defence Professors! And in saying that—'
'Don't bother it, Valdez!' Percy said, probably knowing what was about to come out of Leo's immature mouth.
'—you three, are our students! So we can tell you what to do now!' He did a little dance, as if to rub it in on us.
'Like Percy said,' I said, 'Shut up, Valdez!'
'Okay, okay! But Percy didn't say to shut up...' Leo mumbled.
'Shut up, Valdez!' Percy said.
Annabeth intervened and said, 'shouldn't you three be teaching this class? Because I don't think many people have learnt anything yet!'
Of course, Annie's always one for logic.
'Yes!' Jason piped up. 'Class! And you three, obviously... er, come with us!'
The class stood up and followed him out the door. He walked around for a bit, before turning to Percy, who was talking with him and asked him how to get outside.
Percy being the kelp-head he is, shrugged and turned Annabeth. She shook her head, but turned to Scorpius and Albus who were behind her and asked them.
They walked up to Jason and lead him out.
When we finally got outside, Jason walked us over to the forest. Some kids murmured quietly but some, the Slytherins, spoke up and Jason simply answered, 'how are you expected to learn anything if you aren't doing it? Besides, we can't talk all day!' I really like that logic.
'Okay, Thalia, Percy and Annabeth, we need you all to split up. One of you has to stand here, with me, there with Leo and there with Jason.'
We did as Piper ordered.
I beat Percy to Jason (my brother, just in case some of you thought the stupidest thing ever...) so Percy ended up with Leo who was fiddling with something.
'Okay! Perfect.' Piper said. 'Now, class! I need you to hold still for a minute, while I put you into groups.'
Ugh! Piper! Why'd you have to mix up Gryffindors and Slytherins?
We all got into groups and Piper said, 'Okay! Now, I want you all to remember at least ONE of your group leaders, who consist of your professors: Jason, Leo and me, and three of your peers who are helping us out today: Percy, Annabeth and Thalia. Got that?'
Heads nodded.
'Good. My group! Follow me, please!' She walked off, talking to Annabeth about ground cover?
Jason started talking to me about the treetops and I realised that each group was going together into the forest but in a different way! Piper's is going along the ground, Jason's is going through the trees and Leo's is... walking towards the Black Lake... probably 'cause of Percy and his Poseidon stunts.

When my group made it to the forest, Jason had a ladder leading up into one of the trees. The students (not including me, obviously...) seemed to be worried about going into a dark, and scary forest, but we forced them in anyways.
This might be my favourite class!

The bell rang too soon, though, and we'd barely made it into the forest because the other students had barely crossed two trees! I jumped to the ground angrily and started walking back to the castle. Jason lead the rest of the class back through the trees. What a waste of a class!

Anyways, it was lunch, now so I was happy about that! Percy's group was coming back and they all seemed to be wet. Not surprising, but Percy pranced about drying them off with his Poseidon powers and then skipped towards me. That image will haunt me for the rest of my life! Percy skipping! Towards me! *shiver*

Lunch went by way to quickly in my opinion. At least the eating part.
At least I could watch Jason, Piper and Leo sit awkwardly at the teachers' table. Ha! I took a mental picture of that, I want to remember it forever!

The break-in-between-classes part went by way too slowly!
We met up with Albus and Scorpius and we were just talking. All break.

Ugh! So boring!

So much for our first lunch at Hogwarts!

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