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I left the two lovebirds to themselves - I had a call to make.
The mist sprayed out all around me, rainbows shimmering in the air. 'Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow. Could you please show Piper McLean at Camp Half-Blood?' I threw a golden drachma into the light and watched as it disappeared to the rainbows. Soon, a face appeared in the mist.
'Piper!' I exclaimed. I laughed at the look on her face. It was a mix of surprise and frustration, anger and friendliness. I personally chose to focus on the surprise and friendliness.
She just smirked at me before she said, 'Thalia! Where are you?! We've all been worried sick! Chiron said not to worry! But you, Percy and Annabeth all just DISAPPEARED! What in the name of Aphrodite happened?!'
'Whoa, calm down, Beauty Queen..' She cut me off, 'calm down?! Thalia, you've been missing for a day and a bit! How can you expect me to be CALM?!'
'Alright, Piper McLean, do you want to know the answers to any of what you just asked me or not?'
'Ugh! Yes, I do want answers...' She grumbled quietly.
'Well then! Will you let me talk?'
'Good.' I paused, grinning at her reaction. 'So basically, I'm on a quest...' She looked like she was about to explode, but I kept talking so I could actually tell her what I needed to tell her. '...in England. Percy and Annabeth are here with me, and we are trying to make allies with these people.' She opened her mouth to speak, but I kept on going. 'I can't tell you who they are, how I'm here and/or anything else. Okay?' She nodded. 'Good. So, the three of us have to go to an english school and learn more about these people. I don't know the Hades why, so don't ask.' I paused, to catch my breath.
'Alright. I won't ask, then.' Apparently it was enough time for her to say something. 'But I do want to ask, where are you?!'
'In England! I said that already!' I said, getting a little impatient.
'No, no. I heard you, I just want to know WHERE in England?'
'Oh, ummmm...' I din't know! 'Scotland, I think...' I was genuinely confused.
'Thalia! Scotland is in Europe, not England! Ugh, you're starting to act like Percy!'
'Piper!' I said, annoyed.
'Oh! Yep be there in a sec!' It seemed like she was talking to someone on the other side of me. She looked at me. 'Sorry. That was Jason. I need to go, or I'll miss lunch.'
'Yeah that's fine! Bye!'
'Bye!' She slashed her arm through the mist before, presumably, running away.
I sighed before walking out of the bathroom and into the dorm.

I was just about to flop onto my bed when a sudden voice makes me jump. Delilah, was it? Well, Delilah asked, 'why were you in the bathroom so long?'
'No reason.' I said. 'Why?' I asked. I wonder why they were being so snoopy!
'You were just in there SO long! We never even heard any taps running or ANYTHING!'
'Oh.' I said, a flat tone running laps through my voice. 'Well, I'm just going to do my own thing now, so I if you need me, wake me up.'
THIS time, I flopped on my bed and closed my eyes, expectations running through my head.

I woke up to the sounds of immense screaming. 'Oh gods.' I mumbled under my breath. I raced down the stairs, pushing past the other Gryffindors who had come down to see what was going on. What I saw... well, it was SO surprising! Note the sarcasm. I speed-walked calmly over to where Percy was shaking Annabeth. She was ghostly pale and shrieking. Her gasps and screams were nothing short of terrified and worried.
'Annabeth!' Percy was saying, 'wake UP!'
'Hey, Perce!' I said, he jumped. 'Thalia! What are you doing?'
'Well, if you hadn't noticed already, you have quite the crowd here...' He looked around, clearly panicking.
'Nothing to see here!' I said. 'Just go back to wherever and whatever you were doing before!' I must've glared at them, because everyone then started scurrying back up the various stairs to the dorms. I could tell they were whispering madly about the three of us. Not that I, Percy or Annabeth care. That's happened SO many times to us, we are simply just used to it now.
I reached out to Annabeth, a little electricity running over my fingers. Not enough to harm her, just a little. ONLY enough to shock her. C'mon, guys! Annabeth is my best friend! Why would I ever hurt her?!
Anyways, I touched her hand and a little zap passed from my hand to hers. She awoke with a start.
'Hey sleepyhead.' I said to her, jokingly.
'Ugh! What time is it?' She grunted. When we didn't answer, she assumed it must've been late. 'PERCY! Why didn't you wake me? It's our first day of classes! How could you?'
'Um, Annabeth, it's not NEARLY late. You never slept in.' Percy said to her soothingly.
'Oh.' She paused. 'Well then why is there NO ONE in the Common Room?'
'Because, Annabeth, our little Miss Pinecone-Face kicked them out!' He chuckled while I smirked and Annabeth seriously looked like she was trying not to laugh.
'Thalia...' She began, but I cut her off. 'Annabeth, I am Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus! I can do what I want.' Calm down - I said that all in Greek. I am NOT that idiotic! I'm not even idiotic at all! Percy is a big Kelp-Head, but I am most certainly not.

A little while after, everyone came streaming back in, staring at us. Once again, I didn't care. Still don't, but you get my point. Anyways, we had been talking for a little while and then went up to get changed and ready for the school day.
On the way down to breakfast, Percy was talking to Annabeth, and I was conversing with them every now and then. But really, I was trying to listen-in on the gossip and whispers that everyone was saying about us. I would also focus on glaring at anyone I caught staring.
After all that, we had finally made it down to breakfast. Percy dug in per usual, while Annabeth and I sat down and ate like normal people. Even though we aren't normal people.

Classes would start soon. I could tell that neither Percy or I wanted to go. Can you guess who did though? Yup! Annabeth!
Our first class... Let's see... Oh no! Not possibly...
History of Magic.

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