IX | Life Lessons

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Guidance (/ˈɡīdəns/):
"directing or giving advice to help resolve a problem or difficulty.
something i still desperately need from you."


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She taught me to walk
Remind me to have kindness and respect
She taught me how to laugh
and to always cherish life
She taught me everything I know
Except how to live when she's gone

She taught me my worth
To never settle for less
And helped me build my strength
She says "Remember you are brave and filled with grace,
so never hide that pretty face"
She taught me to be strong and smart
But I don't know how, when we are worlds apart

She showed me how to love
Through her words and hugs
She taught me to smile
Even when life turns it upside down
She taught me about all the things in life

But not the one without her by my side.

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