X | Regret

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Regret (/rəˈɡret/):
"a feeling of sadness, disappointment or repentance over something that has happen. like not saying i love you before you closed your eyes."


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I wish I can see your eyes one more time
Not the one glazed over in pain
or the ones hazed with morphine
I want the strong brown ones
That can stop my misbehavior
But also project your purest love

I should have recorded your voice
So every time I needed serenity
I can drown into the sweetness of your tone
Calming me like a high dose drug

I would kill for one more hug
To hold you with all my heart
Savor in every inch of your touch
So when my thoughts go cold
The memory of you will warm me up

Life is too short for grief
But some people live with it everyday
As they say in medicine,
"Prevention is better than treatment"
Trust me it also applies with regret

Angels & Sunflowers // poetryWhere stories live. Discover now