IV | White

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White (/(h)wīt/):
"colour of surrender and death, but also peace"

White (/(h)wīt/):"colour of surrender and death, but also peace"

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Her coffin was white
The edges painted gold
Lined with sculptures of God and His angels

Her urn was white
With streaks of marble grey
Her name carved in silver

The rosary in her hands were white
I placed them back
The one she held for weeks on end
Hoping for more time she did not get

The blouse I wore was white
"Tradition" my aunt would say
Our symbol for grief, loss, death
Funny how all I saw was black
And all I felt was grey

The walls of the funeral homes were white
Along with the tables, the chairs, the flowers
I just hope when she flies to heaven
Her angel wings where white.

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