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Draco's P.O.V

I stepped onto the train and straightened up my black suit I wondered around looking for crabbe and goyle, finally I found the two idiots stuffing there faces in a compartment near some gryffindors. I slid the door open and the fun imediatly stopped. I didn't like how every time i walked into a room it was like the happiness had been sucked out of it. They stared at me as I sat down quietly. I never really wanted to be friends with them but they always just followed me around, ever since I first got on the train in year 1. They were still staring and it made me uncomfortable to be honest so I said. "what are you looking at." they stopped looking and went back to carefully choosing what peice of confectionary they were going to shove down them next. I rolled my eyes and piped up with something to break the awkard silence "why did you have to pick a compartment near gryffindorks?"

"It was the first compartment we saw" stammered goyle

"and the one nearest to the sweet trolley" said crabbe under his breathe probably hoping i couldn't hear.

I looked out of the window, it was a miserable day and I could see childeren waving goodbye to their parents and first years mothers shedding tears. I could't help but feel slightly jelous of them. My parents never bothered to come and see me off in any of the years i have spent at hogwarts and eventually my sad thoughts came to a stop when Blaise opened the compartment door and sat down "do you two ever stop eating" he said to crabbe and goyle. They didn't pay attention to him and just kept on scoffing. The train set off a few minutes later and I kept on staring out of the window. Train rides were always the worst on your way to hogwarts two cruel hours spent in compartments with nothing to do most of the time. I got bored of watching the rolling hills so stood up and said "I need some air" and walked out.

I had only been out for about five minutes when i saw her. She was with Potter, Weasleby and the mudblood laughing about something. She looked up from the group and straight at me giving me dirty look. I returned it with an eye roll. She broke away from the others and walked over to me. "all by yourself Malfoy? Where are those bodyguards of yours? Finally realised what a self obsessed prat you are?" she said confidently.

" Well well Smith, you haven't changed one bit have you? and for your information they aren't my bodyguards." I knew she hated being called by her last name and with that she rolled her eyes.

"My name is Lily" she replied obviously annoyed.

"Okay smith" I smirked as she walked off in a huff, I couldn't help but notice how different she looked to the last time i had seen her, her hair was lighter and her skin was more tanned as tho she had been on holiday. I entered the compartment again and sat down resuming to my view watching until we eventually arrived at the pathetic excuse for a school that is hogwarts.

a/n ~ This is my first story so I'm sorry that this chapter is a bit short but I will try and make the next one a bit longer. I hope you are having an amazing day and are staying safe in these challenging times lots of love to everyone xx

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