f o u r t e e n

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I woke up on a stone cold floor. I looked around to see a dark celler, i saw a familiar face sat on the other side.

"Luna?" i called

"Lily?" she answered

"Are you okay?" i asked noticing her torn clothes and bloody lip.

"I'm fine, are you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

I couldn't say much more as a strong hand grabbed me and pulled me up a set of stairs. I was taken into a large hall, I saw draco standing with his mother and father giving me a sorry look.

"Now, Draco please call the dark lord"

"Wait!" Bellatrix yelled "I want to get some fun out of this aswell" she said smirking and pulling out a sharp blade. She pushed me to th floor and pinned my arm to the floor, I felt the knife scraping along my skin, she carved the words 'blood-tratior' into my skin as i screamed in pain. I looked at draco as a single tear rolled down my cheek. All of a sudden there was a loud bang as Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred and george carshed thorugh the doors spells flew everywhere as the deatheaters turned into black smoke. I stayed on the floor my arm felt numb and I couldn't think straight. I soon lifted my head to see it was only Draco, Harry and the others left. Harry was trying to take dracos wand from him.

"Harry stop!" i shouted "he didn't do anything

"Lily he was about to hand you over to voldemort!"

"He had no choice"

""So your going to choose him over your own brother"

"It's her choice potter" Draco said defending me

"We need to get back to hogwarts" Hermione said "I have an awful feeling thats were the death eaters went" she grabbed the others' hands and apperated them leaving me there. I ran and gave draco a hug.

"I'm so sorry" he bagan to sob "I didn't know what to do"

"It's okay, don't worry"

"We need to go, hogwarts is in danger" he said

"Wait i need to help luna" i said running down to the cellar

"Come on Luna" I said taking her hand.

we all aperated back to howarts. I ran around frantically dodging spells, until a voice made everyone stop.

"The potter twins, have put you all in danger" it began "Lily and Harry Potter, if you decline my request then I will kill every last person you love, meet me in the forbidden forest in 10 minutes, the time has come for you to die, you are useless to everyone alive" he had a point everyone i was related to in blood, in a way i wanted to die. the only person I had left was draco, he had survived all of those without me before we started dating surely he could survive some more.

"You aren't going to go are you" Draco said "Lily? Why are you smiling like a crazy person" i realised I was smiling but couldn't stop. I realised, i didn't want to die but i found myslef walking towards the forbidden froest. Same as harry. I tried to stop walking but my legs wouldn't listen.

"Lily?! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I heard draco scream. That was when it hit me, Voldemort must be mind controlling us. "LILY I NEED YOU YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF"

"draco i can't stop, he's controlling us." i said, draco ran and grabbed me even with his strength i kept on walking, he followed me deep into the forest when we finally met voldemort. "You a fould creacher, you know that?" I spat

"Well, well, well, the potter twins come to die, everyone okay if i do the honours" voldemort said with an ugly laugh. I took Harry's hand and said

"I'm sorry I've been a shitty sister, harry, I love you"

"No, you been everything, but shitty, you have been the best sister I could've asked for, I love you too"

"We haven't go all day, any other goodbyes?" Voldemort said

"Draco, I love you so much"

"I love you too Lils" he said, he had never called me lils but it rolled off his tongue naturally. He kissed me one last time, at this point there were tears streaming down my face.

"We'll be with mum and dad" i said to harry, i felt bad as he never said goodbye to Hermione and ron, well neither did i.

"Yeah" he whimpered, he took my hand and i closed my eyes. The last thing i heard was Voldemort shouting

"Avada Kedevra" and then I remember seeing a white light. I woke up, everything was white, it looked as though we were at Kings cross, it was just cleaner. I saw Harry talking to someone i soon realised it was dumbledore.

"What if it wasn't real, what if its all happening inside my head" he said

"Of course this is all happening inside you head Harry, why should that mean that it's not real" he said noticing me and holding out his hand. Harry and I took a hand each and all of a sudden i was being carried by a large man, i realised it was hagrid.

"The potter twins are dead" Voldemort shouted.

"NO!" I heard ginny scream.

"Now come fourth and join us or die" Voldemort said

"Draco" i heard narcissa call softly. I assumed Draco had gone back to hogwarts after he though i was dead.

"Thats it Draco" I heard voldemort say, no don't tell me he was actually going to join them. I quite playing dead and struggled free from Hagrids strong grip, I heard everyone gasp as, I ran.

"Lily!" i heard Draco say as he threw me his wand, soon after harry rolled out of another death eaters arms and we started duelling voldemort. We made our way up to a tall ledge, I couldn't tell where we were as it was destroyed.

"Come on Tom, lets finish this the way we started" I heard harry say. I watched as harry grapped him and threw them off the edge. I gasped. Had he really just killed himself and voldemort.

"Lily!" I heard draco call as he hugged me tight. "I though you were dead how did you-" I cut him off and threw our lips together. Until i heard cheering coming from below. We ran to see everyone hugging.

"He's done it, Harry has killed voldemort" one girl cried. I ran and made sure harry was okay. He had cuts and bruises everywhere.

"I'm fine Lily" he said " all that matters is that he's gone, we can walk free without any danger" i smiled hugged him.


~~~~ the end ~~~~~

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