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The next day i woke to a loud tapping sound on my window. It was my parents' owl Bonnie. I opened the window and handed her some treats before untying the letter from her leg. I opened the envolope carefully I could tell something was wrong the minute I read the first 6 words.

Dearest Lily,

We are sorry to inform you that Grandma GiGi passed away early hours of this morning. She had been rushed into muggle hopsital after having a nasty fall and me and your father didn't want to owl staright away seeing as we were unsure of how serious it was and didn't want to worry you.

She said to tell you she loves you and was sad that she couldn't see you one last time. We are in bits at home but think it best for you to stay at school utill the funeral week wich will be sometime in the next 2 months. Grandma left you something that I have placed inside the same envelope that this letter was in.

We miss and love you very much,

Mum and Dad x

My heart started to ache as tears streamed down my face. She was gone. Grandma GiGi was my bestfriend I never did anything without her. I picked up the envelope and through my blurred teary vision I saw a beautiful locket. It was simple and delicate I reached in and took it out my hand trembling i opened the loveheart up to reveal a picture of me and Grams last summer on holiday in spain. The realisation that i was never to see her agian hit me and i began to sob waking up hermione in the process.

"Lils? Lils what wrong?" She asked hurrying over and giving me a warm and comforting hug.

"I-It's my Grams, s-she's dead" I sobbed my heart hurt and I wanted the world to just stop and swallow me up so I wouldn't have to feel this pain anymore.

"Oh Lils I'm so sorry! It's gonna be okay" She said hugging me tighter. Ginny then woke up from the other side of the room and hurried over. We sat in silence for the next half an hour until Hermione said,

"were late for class guys, it's okay if you don't want to go though lily"

"No I need to go maybe it will take my mind off of all this" I mumbled heading to the bathroom. I washed my tearstained face, brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun before changing into my uniform and linking arms with the girls and heading to class. Luckily we were all in the same potions class seeing as Ginny was moved up as she was to advanced for her level ( and people say hermione is the one with the brains).

I wouldn't say snape is my favourite teacher but he certainly wasn't the worst now that we had Umbridge. We walked into the classroom were my eyes were met with a mix of gryffindors and slytherins. I had forgotten we had potions with them.

"Girls, may i ask why you are late?" Snape said in his stiff voice as usuall. Hermoine talked to snape privatley telling him about everything so we were let of. "I was just saying that you will be working on a project with assigned partners, the list is as follows: Miss Granger and Mr Zabini" Hermione rolled her eyes, she hated Blaise with a passion so i found it funny. "Mr longbottom and Mrs Parkinson" The look of fear on Nevilles face was unreal.

"It will be okay Nev" I said reasuringly as he walked past me. I was seated at the back next to Ginny, Hemoine, Neville and some random slytherin girls, none of which talked to us. I zoned out what snape was saying u til I heard him call,

"Mrs Smith and Mr Malfoy" My head shot up. As if this day couldn't get any worse. Malfoy stood up and swaggered over to sit next to me.

"Why were you late. Think you are so different to everyone else that you can get away with it, you filthy half-blood." I wanted to through up at what he just said to me. I looked him dead in the eyes and said,

"Serioulsy Malfoy you need to come up with some better insults other than 'mud-blood' or 'half-blood' and for your information I was late because my Grandmother is fucking dead!" I turned back to the front of the class feeling his intense glare on me.

"Oh, I'm sorry" He said his voive sounding softer and more genuine. I scooted my chair away from him a bit more still annoyed at what he had said. Atleast yesterday he winked at me instead of insulting me like he normally does.

not that i liked him winking at me....

...well maybe a tiny bit.

A/N: sorry i didn't uplaod for ages. I'm not gonna have a set day or anything for when i upload a new chapter it's probably just gonna be when I'm free because I am currently in online schooling xxx

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