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I woke up the next day with a massive hangover, I hadn't realised how drunk I had gotten yesterday. The pain in my head however didn't make me forget about last night though. That was it I had to find a way to not have feelings for Draco anymore. I got hardly any sleep last night. I looked at the clock it read 7:30 classes started at 8:00 so I got up and went into the bathroom to get dressed, I showered and brushed my teeth then threw my hair in a messy bun again. I honestly didn't care what I looked like anymore but still put on a tiny bit of makeup to make me feel better. Ginny and Hermione were already at breakfast so I went and sat in the hall next to them. I wasn't planning on eating anything because my head was pounding. I kept hearing draco's voice saying "your upset about your grandmother, it will take your mind off of it" this only made me feel worse.

"You alright Lils?" Ginny asked "you aren't eating"

"Still a bit hungover from last night" i replied "think i might throw up if i eat" she threw an apple at me and said

"well you have to eat something so eat as much of it as you can" i rolled my eyes and began to eat. Harry and Ron came in and sat down.

"Hey Guys" Harry said. Ginny blushed so I laughed.

"awwe gin your blushing how cute" I teased and she threw the crust of her toast at me. I only ate half the apple to make ginny happy, even though I didn't want any of it.

"wow lils you look rough" ron said causing ginny to hit him with the other crust on her plate.

"Going to eat the rest of that Lils?" He said noticing the apple his mouth all ready full of sausauge.

"Nah full already, Want the rest?" i replied

"Yes please" he said as I handed it to him.

For the rest of breakfast Ginny and Harry flurted same as Hermione and Ron. I'm not gonna lie i felt kind of left out. I sat fiddling with my locket. It made me feel safe knowing it came from Grams.

"You good Lils?" Harry asked "nice necklace" he said smiling.

"thanks, my Grams left it for me, she died yesterday" I said

"Oh, sorry for your loss" he replied.

"thanks, i think I'm gonna go and get some homework done in library before class starts" i said to the others "see you guys later". I called leaving. Just as I did Malfoy walked in. He looked at me with no emotion, just a straight face. He was such an asshole. Not even a sorry about yestereday i know i was being an awful and crappy git, not that i expected it, draco wasn't one to apologise, although he did in potions yesterday which was weird. I looked at him and just carried on. I reached the library and sat at the back pulling out my planner to see what homework I had. I started on some potions work when I was interupted with a familiar voice not one i particularly wanted to hear at that moment in time.

"Need any help with that" I looked up to see Draco standing there.

"Did you follow me?" I said "Bit creepy don't you think?"

"Do you need help or not" he said in a colder tone.

"I do but not from you" This was true the work made no sense to me whatsover but i didn't want his help.

"Look I know what I did yesterday was wrong, it's just I never actually get with a girl having it mean anything" He admitted.

"Didn't ask for information on your sex life draco, now if you excuse me i need to do snapes homework before class" I said. Potions was first class and I was thinking of skipping to avoid draco but now that he was talking to me I didn't see the point.

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