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Lily's P.O.V

I was stood with Ron, harry and hermoine. As much as I was excited to get back to hogwarts again for my 5th year I wasn't to pleased that my little sister Zoe was going into her first year, as much as i love her I know that I won't get away with as much as I have done in my previous years like in first year when i escaped getting a detention by the skin of my teeth, I was very glad when I didn't becuase Harry and the others had to go into the forbiden forest at night and he faced you know who when he was in there. Harry says it was quite funny when Draco Malfoy had to go with them though but the point is my mum never found out about it. We were laughing about Draco's reaction from when Buckbeak the hipogriff had 'attacked' him in 3rd year and he said something about him being killed and Hagrids chicken when speaking of the devil i looked up to see him staring at me. I was suprised to see how much he had changed, he looked awfully smart in his black suit although his hair looked messy and longer than I remember , I hate to admit it but he looks fairly handsome. I realised I was staring at him and shot him a dirty look to hide the fact, I don't know what had come over me but i started walking over to him. "Lily where are you going" asked hermoine looking confused.

"I'll be back in a sec" I replied because to be fair i didn't know where i was going either but one thing i knew was that i was heading for Malfoy. Once i reached him i quickly thought of something to say and blurted something out about Crabbe and Goyle seeing as they weren't with him which to be fair is a rare occasion. I was looking at him in shock because I have never seen him look this good before but what brought me back to my senses was the use of my last name which I hate when people call me but for Malfoy it was nothing unusual. "My name is Lily" I said annoyed while strolling off back to the others although I could feel him still looking at me.

"What was that all about and why were you talking to malfoy" asked ron concerned

"just wanted to put him in a bad mood to start the year" I lied and everyone giggled. We went inside our compartment and I looked back to see if he was still there but he had disappeared. To be fair I sort off wanted to be at peace with Draco and try to get along with him but I'm sure Harry wouldn't approve of that and it was probably the least of Dracos worries weather i was his friend or not, after all he does fling insults at me and my friends every two seconds. "Hey ron where's ginny" i ask realising she isn't with us.

"She is studying with some hufflepuffs in a compartment at the end of the train" He replies. Even though she is a year younger Ginny and I have always been best friends. My mother and Mrs weasley were at school together so I have grown up with most of the weasley childeren. I remember in my first year when Ginny was jelous that i was going to hogwarts but i just kept reminding her that she was going to be there aswell in the next year and when Ginny was taken into the chamber I remeber crying most nights and not being happy most days and draco mocking me for being in a bad mood.

When we arrived at school we headed straight to the feast. Our stomachs were empty because Crabbe and Goyle had taken everything on the trolly, a bit like harry and ron in first year, i smiled at the thought as we sat down anticipating dumbledores speach as soon as it came though the whole schools excited mood was killed at the introduction of delores umbridge a ministry worker who had taken up the place of defence against the dark arts teacher, I could tell snape was jelous and had no doubt applied for the job again and failed.

"this isn't good" said hermoine with a worried look on her face

"why?" i asked slightly confused.

"this means the ministry is trying to get invloved at hogwarts"

"What? I mean i now the minsiter is susicious of dumbledore trying to take his job but is there really any need for that?" I said annoyed at what I had just found out. Dumbledore was the best headmaster Hogwarts had ever seen and the schools reputation had been higher than ever before when he had taken charge. Now the minister had sent someone in to basically spy on him.

When it was time for the sorting i was nervous for zoe, i know how much she is set on get into gryffindor and the hat will always put you in the house it thinks you will thrive the most in

"zoe smith" called proffesor mcgonagall, I watched my sisters face go white, she was so nervous but i don't know what for she was obviously a gryffindor

"HUFFLEPUFF" the hat shouted, my jaw dropped and the look of disapointment on zoe's face was paining, i felt terrible. She went and sat with a group of girls and in my mind i was praying they would be nice to her. I know I shouldnt't be but sometimes I can be a bit over protective of my sister. I feel I hand on my arm and Hermoine say "She will be okay lily, the hat would never put her in a house that she wouldn't do well in" she says reasuringly. As much as I wanted her to be in gryffindor i also couldn't help but thank merlin that she wasn't in slytherin.

When the feast was over we walked up to the common room, I spotted Ginny with a group of hufflepuff girls and asumed they were the ones she had been with on the train. I went over to her to " hey gin" i said smiling at her, she smiled back but it seemed like something was holding her back from talking to me " i missed you on the train " i say trying to start conversation and before she can reply one of the girls piped up with

"you missed her? what are you obsessed with her or something?" she spoke with such an attitude and the other girls luaghed at what she said, everyone apart from ginny who looked at me and said,

"erm, i'll see you later lily" and with that she turned her back on me and resumed her conversation like nothing even happened, I walked away, I soon decided I hated hufflepuff, first it takes my sister and now my best friend? I had trouble sleeping that night knowing ginny was sleeping in the bed next to mine, I had saved that bed for her and made sure nobody took it in first year so that she could have it and we could have late night conversations but at this moment in time I don't think Ginny was interested in having any kind of conversation with me.

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