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I still stood at the astronomy tower, I hadn't been up there in a while, I felt the happiest I had felt in a long time. after draco and i stopped talking things only got worse for me. My non-biological parents owled me a few day after I found out I was adopted and told me it was best if i didn't go to grams' funeral seeing as i wasn't actually related to her. This hurt like hell. I had grown up in there house, they had acted like they were my parents and now they had cut me off. I knew for a fact that they told zoe not to speak to me because when i said hi to her she said she wasnt supposed to talk to me anymore and ran off with her friends.

I had become close with harry and i had always seen him as my brother in a way just not in the sense that i refer to him as now.
I stood taking in the beautiful view, because the tower was so tall you could see the hills and everything including the countryside and villages behind past hogwarts, athough couldn't see us due to the invisability cham. I was interupted by someone clearing there throat. I turned to see Draco standing there, I wasn't up for an argument so I turned back around as if he wasn't there.

"You know it's not nice to ignore someone, Lily" he began

"Don't call me Lily" i said

"well I can't call you smith seeing as that isn't your last name anymore"

"Well then call me a filthy-halfblood or some other insult that you think of, I only want the people who actually vare about me using my name"

"I'm not going to call you that, that's just mean" he said

"Hasn't stopped you before" i replied, i don't know why i was being so harsh on him, i guess him ignoring me had bothered me more than i thought.

"Look draco, i don't know why your talking to me, you have ignored me for the last two months and now you suddenly want to act like nothing has happened"

"Do you know what, i was going to call truce with you, it doesn't bother me that your a potter it just bothers me that scarhead is your brother" he said coldly

"If it bothers you that much then go back to ignoreing me, you would be doing us both a favour"

"Okay fine, while were at it seeing as i probably wont get to to tell you this in the future, i never liked you, you were just there, you mean nothing to me your just a slut, even more worthless than brother" he spat and walked away. I was hurt by what he said, I really did like him and he made me think he liked me aswell, but he was just trying to fool me. My vision became blurry as tears filled my eyes while i walked to my dorm. I sat on the windowsill and just stared out the window crying all day. I was stupid. i wished he would just take me seriously for once. 


The next day i woke up, it was saturday, i wasn't hungry for breakfast so i went to the library instead. I found a book about a girl and a boy who fell in love but she soon finds out the boy was pretending all along, but in the end they find there back to eachother and live happily ever after. I don't think this would be happening to me anytime soon. I was halfway through the book when draco entered the library with crabbe and goyle. Great. this was exactly what i needed. I knew he had seen me so i closed the book put it back and headed out.
I was wondering the halls when Harry and Ron came running up to me.

"Hello sister" harry said


"we need to go to hogsmede there is an announcement we need to make to some others. Come on!" he said pulling towards the exit of school, I had nothing to do so i just followed them. They led me into hogsmede and up to a room were i saw some ravenclaws and gryffindors sat on chairs. Hermione gestured for me to go and sit next to her before harry began to talk.

"I've called you all here on quite an important note" he began "as you all know the ministry is trying to go against dumbledore, we need to stop them" he said everyone looked a bit confused so hermione jumped in to save the day.

"what harry is trying to say is that we need to form a kind of army to help dumbledore try and stay as headmaster at hogwarts. We need somone to volenteer to teach us some spells and defence seeing as umbridge isnt going to" she said "we need to be prepared for whatever is coming.

"and why should we trust someone who thinks the dark lord had risen again, hes crazy" said seamus

"No, im not, the dark lord killed cedric diggory and i saw it, so when he does come for us, which he will, we best be prepared" everyone was silent. Nobody wanted to teach us any spells as none of us were very  skilled.
I had an idea.

" Harry, you can conjure a patronus, that take serious strength, why don't you teach us" i suggested

"Thats a brilliant idea" said hermione harry was hesitant but in the end agreed. Before we knew it we were all signing up on a sheet for what we decided to call 'dumbledore's army'.

"Before you all go i wanted to say that we should meet, everyday at 18:00 once we have figured out where the meeting will be held" said harry. With that everyone was heading back to hogwarts.


the next day i was walking in one of the many corridors of hogwarts when i heard the sound of brick breaking. I turned to see what was happening when i saw a large door that i swear wasn't there before. I was curious as to so what it was so i pushed it open. I walked in to find a big room with a mirror placed in the centre. I recognised this to be the mirror of erised. It is supposed to show you you greatest desires, i was interested to i walked over to it and saw nothing, i figured it was broken so was about to walk away when i saw another person stood in the mirror with me.

"Grams?" i whimpered. Seeing her face made me so happy. I missed her so much. She placed her hand on my shoulder, i could feel her touch i put my hand to where hers was but felt nothing. I heard her voice.

"Lily my darling, i see your wearing the locket i left you, you have grown into a beautiful young woman"

"Grams, I miss you so much, everything is terrible without you"

"I know lily, it will get better, you will find love in a place you least expect it, I love you my dear" and with that she disappeared. It felt so good to see her face even if it wasn't real, and then it hit me, i had found the room of requirements. This was the perfect place to hold our meeting for the D.A i ran out of the room making sure i rememberd were i had found it and ran to harry at full speed.

"Harry! I found the room of requirments! we can hold the meeting for the D.A in there" I made sure i whispered the part about the D.A not wanting the slytherins to hear.

"Whats the D.A" asked a cold and drewling voice. I turned around to see malfoy looking interested.

"None of you buisness" i replied

"fine, i'll find out" he smirked walking of, i wanted to slap that grin right off of his dirty little face. But ignored him and carried on with my day.

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