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draco's pov

snape bored the hell out of me. His voice is so boring and slow. I had my eyes fixed on the door hoping the lesson would end. That was when she walked in with Grager and Weaslette. She was late but she looked confident which annoyed me. Her hair was in a messy bun and it suited her. Her red and black gryffindor robe complimented her blue eyes. That was one thing we had in common we both had blue eyes although mine were more grey than hers she had bright blue eyes. You could sit and stair at her all day and never get bored. She sat at the back of class when snape started calling out names for the project. "Miss Smith and Mr Malfoy" I froze. I wanted to work with her but not embarass myslef at the same time. I knew it would get awkard and I would say something to wind her up.
I looked at blaise, he was smrking, he was lucky he basically got a walking talking dicionary but i wasn't complaining I had the hottest girl in this class. I hate how she makes me feel ever since that train ride she has just been more appealing then all of the other years. I went and sat next to her throwing a lame insult her way to make it look like i wasn't interested. To be honest I didn't know what i felt for her. Usually get with a girl for a good fuck and then dump her after but, Lily, she was different she was the kind of person you couldn't get bored of I didn't want to be with her but i could definatley fuck her more than once. I've never had a proper relationship and am not looking for one. I knew i would have an arranged marrige no doubt about it. My father didnt give a flying fuck what i wanted but the way he spoke of how astoria greengrass and i would make a good couple i had figured that it would probably be her i was to one day marry. Astoria was pretty and slim and a few inches taller than Lily, all the guys practically bowed down to her but she wasn't my type. That wasn't to say I hadn't fucked her already.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that when I heard lily speak i wondered what she meant then I realised she was replying to my insult.

"Seriously Malfoy you need to think of some better insults...My grandmother is fucking dead!" she snapped. I wasn't paying full attention but i instantly felt bad when I learned that she had lost her Grandmother.
I don't know what this girls has done to me but I found myself apologising.

"wow draco malfoy apologising, never thought i would live to see the day" she laughed causing me to chuckle. "seriously wheres rude and obnocsious malfoy from a couple of minutes ago got to?" I didn't reply instead i found myself saying "Hey blaise, party tonight in the room of requirements all houses invited" i hoped that lily would come because it would be the perfect opertunity to get in her pants.

Lily's pov.

i was sat in my dorm arguing with the girls. They were trying to make me go to malfoys party. eventually i gave in and though it would cheer me up a bit. Getting drunk seemed to take away all of your problems.
I decided to wear a black body tight dress that was fairly short so i did minimal makeup consisting of mascara, lipgloss and curling me hiar as i didn't want to look like a slut. Ginny and hermione wore basically the same dresses but hermiones was red and ginnys was white.

We entered the party, loads of people showed up which didn't suprise me Draco was the most popular boy in school.

I had been at the party for about an hour and everyone was pretty drunk including me when pansy and blaise announced that we were playing a muggle game called spin the bottle. I was hesitant because i didn't want to snog any random person. Ginny went first she got harry and they came out of the closet looking pretty pleased with themselves i didn't want to imagine what they did in there. Then Hermione and ron they looked so awkard going in together but i knew they secretly like each other. Some other people went and pansy ended up snogging blaise. Soon it was my go nobody at this party looked particularly appealing to me so i wasn't really excited like everyone else. The bottle didn't seem to want to stop but when it eventually did my stomach did about ten backflips but not in a good way. Draco looked at me with a smirk on his face, he stood up and grabbed my hand practicaly threw me into the closet. I wanted to run away...far away. He looked at me and said

"so then..." the space was tight and i was standing againt the back wall he put his right hand to the side of me on the wall and with his left he touched my leg. His cold rings making my leg tingle. He seemed to be enjoying himself a little to much.

"hi" i said awkardly. I didn't want to kiss him but only because if i did i don't think i would be able to stop.

"you know the aim of the game is to kiss is a cuboard" he said in a whisper sort of voice.

"I know" i said uncomfortably

"should we start then" he smirked. Wait? He actually planned on kissing me? was he serious?

"Erm-" but before i could finsish he kissed me. He started of gentle to my suprise. Gentle is not a word you would associate with Malfoy. Eventually the kiss intensfied. the hand on the wall slowly moved to my waist when i realised something. I hadn't pulled away. I was stood there letting him snog the living daylight out of me. It got so itense that draco took of his blazer and made his way to the zip on my dress.

"Wait!" I said pulling away "draco we cant do this we hate each other."

"So what, your sad about you Grandmother dying it will make you forget about it" he said looking me in the eyes

"What? Draco I'm sorry but just because you fancy fucking someone tonight doesn't mean you can take advantage of me because my Grandmother died. God your so sick in the head!" I snapped before rezipping the zip on my dress and storming out of the cuboard and heading for my dorm. I heard him call from behind me "Wait smith that not what i meant" he didn't sound like he meant it. God why was i so stupid i let him kiss me and was about to let him use me. My head was spinning as i entered the dorm and crashed down on my bed tears flooding down my face as Ginny and hermione came in asking what happened. Thats the moment it hit me. I LIKED DRACO MALFOY .

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