t h r e e

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When school started the next day I was sat in the library when I saw Ginny, this time alone, she came over to me and said "is this seat taken" pointing to the empty seat next to me, a look of guilt on her face.

"no" i said trying not to look at her.

"look i'm sorry i didn't talk to you yesterday i was kind of busy sorting something out" she said a tone of meaning in her voice while sitting down

"it's fine" i say still not looking at her, it wasn't really fine i wanted her to apologize for being so arrogant and not saying anything when those girls were so rude to me but all i wanted was to have her back so i accpeted her apology. "what were you sorting out" i continued now looking up at her, she looked really tired so i guessed she didn't get much sleep either.

"I know it seemed i was avoiding you but I was sat with those girls on the train becuase i couldn't find anyone else and ron had forgotten his sandwhich from mum so went to get it and then those girls asked if they could join me and i didn't want to seem rude so i said yes and when ron came back he said you had arrived and the girls were helping my with some potions work so i couldn't come and sit with you" she said not answering my question.

"okay but you didn't answer my question, what were you sorting out?" i said trying not to sound rude because i could see in her eyes she was telling the truth.

"well, erm, you see after Zoe got put into hufflepuff i knew you would be worried for her and because those girls seemed so nice on the train i was asking them to make sure none of the first years were mean to her. I know that you could've asked them yourself but seeing as i had already talked to them i figured i could just ask them and after they spoke to you in that way i felt awful for not standing up for you but they seemed so intimidating and they are older so i was sort of saving both of us there, and then-" before she could finish i hugged her and said

"oh Gin, I'm sorry for doubting you, I just saw you with them and then i was agitated after Zoe wasn't sorted into gryffindor so i didn't speak to you for the rest of the night" she didn't reply and just accepted the hug. After it was over we started talking about what had happened so far, but half way through the conversation she looked over at Malfoy and then turned to me and said in a quieter tone

" erm don't make it obvious but look over there, Malfoy is staring at you" I slowly looked over pretending to look at the boy sat near him but obviously failed becuase he raised his eyebrows and smirked at me, I quickly looked away slightly embarassed but I could tell his eyes were still fixed on me.

" Oh yeah he is" I say in a suprised tone

"Its not the first time either" she said a slight giggle in her voice.

"What? what do you mean" i said even more suprised

"I saw him staring at you on the train aswell when i was going to change into my robes, it's like he has come back and now he's obsessed with you" She said "But i also saw you talking to him on the train" she said in a way that hinted I might think something of him. "I don't think Harry would approve" she continued

"Ginevra Molly Weasley! I do not have any feelings for Malfoy whatsoever" I said a bit louder than expected casuing half the library to look at us including Draco

"Okay" she said acting like I was lying.

"Oh shut up, I see the way you look at Harry" I say as though its payback. She blushed and nudged me and then the bell went so I headed for defence against the dark arts.

I was interested to see how this lesson would go seeing as umbridge wouldn't let us use magic. I was so tired for the night before that i didn't really consentrate on what was being said but in the middle of my day dream I heard harry, who was sat next to me say "Cedric Diggorys death was not just a tragic accident, I saw lord voldemort kill him" everyone gasped at the fact that harry actually used the name.

"I will not have any student use that name in my class, Mr Potter that includes you!" Umbridge said in shock

"Yeah okay, but you try and watch the person who murdered your parents kill another person you care about" he said angrily

A cold voice came from behind us "Why are you so mad about it Potter, was Diggory you boyfriend or something" Malfoy was laughing with all of the other slytherins, I shot him a mean look but to my suprise he winked at me! HE WINKED AT ME! I felt butterflies in my stomach I hated it but i felt myself go red. For the rest of the lesson i couldn't help but think that Ginny may have been right in some ways.


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