Chapter Forty-Two

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Daniela's POV

I found myself waking up the next day, feeling extremely confused. Something hadn't happened right. I wasn't supposed to wake up in this same place. Slowly, everything gradually started making sense.

Right after I had stood up to beg Richard to help me escape, I collapsed on the floor, and I guess he brought me to the bed.

I sighed running my hand through my knotty hair. Why was this happening? Why was I always blacking out? Was it because I wasn't eating properly? Was I sick, or probably dying?

Oh God.

I turned to my left to find my day's meal already there. I really wanted to snatch the apple, since I was already hungry, but I decided against it, knowing that it was all I had for the whole day.

Turning to my right I saw Richard sitting on the ground, smiling at something on his phone. Ivan was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Ivan?"

He lifted his head and smiled at me. "You finally woke up."

I just looked away from him annoyed. He talked too much about things I didn't even care about, and always beat around the bush when I asked him something.

"You know if you accept the boss's offer, you'd have better food, and you wouldn't be fainting all the time," he continued.

"I'm not accepting anything," I rolled my eyes at him.

"But your husband isn't even coming-"

"I don't care okay! I'm definitely not staying here."

"Calm down, pumpkin."

I closed my eyes, purposely to stop my tears. "Where's Ivan?" I repeated.

"Oh, that guy. He just left without saying anything. He's weird," he chuckled.

I pulled my legs out of the covers and headed to the bathroom. When I was done and dressed, I came back to the room. Ivan had returned, just standing by the door silently as usual.

I just looked away from them and went to the bed.

Was my life really going to end like this? Was I going to be here forever? And what if I didn't accept the boss's offer? What was going to happen to me?

How was everyone doing? Was my aunt worried, or had Alexander made up a lie? Kathy...did she know I was in danger? And was Alexander really comfortable with what was happening to me?

No Daniela, they only want you to suffer here. Alexander loves you, and he'll find you soon.

But what about the things Delphine said when she came to visit...about Alexander laughing behind my back? The boss also knew Delphine. Their stories made sense, but I didn't want to believe Alexander had abandoned me.

So, then who paid the money? Wasn't that his signature? He really wouldn't do this to me, right?

Suddenly the door opened, and my eyes widened in shock when I turned to see who it was.

"Get out of here guys, I just want to talk to my friend in private."

They didn't look surprised seeing her, so she had probably been here before, but how?

Richard walked out immediately, but oddly; Ivan stared at her suspiciously before reluctantly leaving.

"Don't be too surprised Ela, you should have seen this coming," she smiled tauntingly as she walked towards me.

"Delphine," I whispered, staring at her in disbelief.

"Unfortunately, dear friend, it's your pride that brought you here. Who told you Alexander loved you? Did he tell you that?" she mocked me.

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