Chapter Twenty-Four

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Daniela's POV

With my head down and my foot tapping nervously on the ground, I prayed for something to happen to take this awkward silence away. Though he said it was okay, I still felt uneasy.

I raised my when I heard the telephone on his table ring, and I silently thanked God for ending that moment. I went back to the sofa and took my phone, to take my mind off everything.

"Alright then, we'll start the procedures now," I heard Alexander say.

I looked back at him and saw him grabbing some files from the table.

"Where are you going?" I asked on impulse.

"A meeting," he answered.

"How long are you going to be away?"

I shouldn't have added that because it only made him smirk. "Missing me already?"

That made me smile, but I hid it quickly with an eye roll. "Of course not."

Well perhaps I didn't succeed, because he continued, "You don't have to lie. I'm sorry but I'll be away for a while and Kathy too, so just stay in here."

My face fell. "So, if you knew you were going to leave me here to die in boredom why did you bring me?"

He cocked his head to the side. "Does that mean you see me as some sort of entertainment?"

"What? No! I- I just don't want to be alone," I sighed.

"I'll be back soon, I promise. Stay here," he repeated heading towards the door. "If you need anything you can just call me."

I frowned. "But you'll be in a meeting."

He raised a brow. "And so?"

Surprised at his answer, I just shook my head and then he left.

I turned to the window, but my focus wasn't on the view I was getting, but on the annoying thoughts fighting for space in my mind. Alexander was being different today, and albeit I had said that I wasn't going to question him again, I still felt insecure. He could change anytime and then hurt me more than he already had. He was the same person who made the scar on my arm, caused the nightmares and made me marry him against my will, so trusting him would be very difficult, but I really wanted to.

I wanted to trust that he was capable of being 'human' sometimes, that he was capable of caring and capable of all least, making this marriage work. It was clear to me that I had begun to care about him more than I thought I ever would, but I just hoped he hadn't realised it.

'Stay here.'

His words hit me again and for once I thought he was saying something else. I wasn't going to build castles in the air, so I forgot about the thought before it developed into something else.

Truth be told, the disobedient part of me wanted to leave his office and roam the building floor by floor, but that would be crazy. I didn't know anyone here except Alexander, Kathy and Jason, so it would be stupid if I just left the office. So, I guess I'd have to be friends with boredom for now.

I got up from the sofa and then headed to his table. I made myself comfortable in his swivel chair and started fiddling with the stuff on the table, making sure not to mess anything.

Just for the fun of it, I pulled open the first desk drawer and frowned in surprise when I found it full of books— the kind of books I read to be precise. Stalker. They looked quite new, so maybe he hadn't opened them or they were bought recently. I had known him long enough to know that he didn't really like to read romance. Or maybe he had changed in that aspect too. Who knew?

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