Chapter Forty-Six

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Alexander's POV

"The profits at the mall have reduced by five percent this week."

"We have to be able to seal the deal with Crown Jewellers, since we lost the one with Montgomery."

"We need to present new designs for the upcoming program next week. Everyone's trying their best since schedules have been changed."

"We still don't have much time, so we can't afford to postpone any more interviews and meetings."

"Mr Jackson?"

My head snapped up at the mention of my name, and I realised we were still in the conference room. The executives and board members were looking at me expectantly. I turned to Jason, whose head was in his hands. I didn't have to ask before I knew he was disappointed that I wasn't paying attention. Again.

"Do you need water, sir?"

Kathy was standing beside me, holding her clipboard. I knew she wanted to ask more than that, but I clearly wasn't in any mood.

"This meeting is dismissed."

I pushed my chair back, stood up and exited the room, not caring about the annoyed murmurs that came from the others. Once I got to my office, I sat down and pulled open my drawer, taking a hair band from inside.

I sighed as I rolled it up on my wrist, my mind immediately wandering away, like it had been doing the past five days without her.

"So, what the hell do you think you're doing right now?"

I looked up to see Jason leaning towards me with his hands on my desk. He was still annoyed and frustrated with me, but I couldn't help it. He didn't understand what I was going through.

"If you're going to say you don't like seeing me like this, you can go out so you don't have to," I deadpanned.

"Huh." He smiled incredulously. "So, this is how you're going to be."

"What do you expect me to do?"

"To stop acting like a baby!"

"You think you know everything, don't you?"

He pushed himself off the table. "You are a baby, Alex. You haven't even tried to see her after that."

"You don't understand anything," I seethed.

"Then explain it to me," he sighed in exasperation. "Everyone is doing their best here, and all you can do is sit watch and watch as our efforts disintegrate into nothing."

I exhaled loudly, combing my hands through my hair before looking up. "I don't mean to."

"Then try, to put in effort to work. So many families depend on you."

"It's hard," my voice broke. "I just don't know what to do."

Jason sighed and then sat down. "I don't even know why you guys are letting this misunderstanding go this far. It's been almost a week."

"It's weird," I laughed dryly, feeling wetness in my eyes. "I miss her more than I did when she was kidnapped. She's around, I can decide to see her any time but all I can do is just miss her."

"What she went through, was awful. So that could be the problem," he guessed.

I buried my face in my hands when the tears started sliding down my face. It had been so hard to deal with all this. The fear of her not being by my side was what killed me slowly every day. Her decision surprised me, but I knew I couldn't blame her.

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