Chapter One

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A/N: Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. Thanks for 70 reads!!!

*Eleven years later*

Daniela's POV

The scar on my left arm.

That's the first thing I saw when I woke up.

Some bloody reminder.

All because of you, daddy.

But he's dead now. Both him and my mom. They were killed by some other members of the mafia ten years ago. I don't know why. Everything happened so fast that mom couldn't explain anything to me.

I was able to escape and that was the last time I saw her alive. My aunt made us move here, to Prescott, when she heard about what happened to my parents. Ever since, she's been a second mother to me. A very good one.

I looked back at my scar. I didn't dream about him today. In fact, I've dreamt less and less of that stranger as the years passed. Soon I'd forget him, maybe not, because of the permanent mark on my arm.

My aunt still didn't know what happened to me all those years ago, and I don't intend on letting her know. I believed the more I kept it to myself, the less I thought about it.

Now, I was done with university, and all I objective at the moment was getting a job. Then I'd be able to get my own house and stop depending solely on my aunt.

When I got downstairs after taking my bath and everything, my aunt had already made breakfast.

I'd told her to just leave breakfast to me, but she loved to cook- she owned a restaurant- so...

"Good morning aunt," I greeted and took a seat opposite her.

"Morning Daniela," she answered, forking some eggs into her mouth. "Are you going out today?"

"Yes, I still have to find a job."

"What about the ones we checked out on the internet?"

"They aren't helping."

"Oh," she simply said. "Uh, you can take my car if you want."

"Nah, I'll just take a taxi."

"But -"

"No aunt, I'm all grown up now. I have to do things by myself. You've taken care of me enough. It's my turn."

"Hey, I'm not that old. I'm just thirty-seven years old."

She wasn't lying. She was my mom's little sister.

I didn't want to end up arguing with my aunt, so I accepted to use her car.

I quickly finished my breakfast, got my purse and my aunt's car keys and then headed out.


It was very boring and painful going round the streets hearing 'no', 'come back later', 'no'.

When I realised there wasn't going to be any success for me today, I gave up.

Before driving back home, I went to the store to get some groceries for the house. I also bought tons of milk, because I loved milk so much. I would even marry it if I got the chance. Maybe it's because I'm naturally a huge cow-ard. Get it? Never mind...

After paying and getting my groceries bagged up, I got out of the store and almost bumped into this old lady selling newspapers.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I freaked out because she looked so old that just a little push could break all the bones in her body.

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