Chapter Six

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A/N: OMG!!!! Thank you guys so much for 100 votes. You're the best!

Daniela's POV

With Bertha, Katherine and Jason being our only three witnesses, Alexander and I made clarifications on our being single and legally ready to get married.

We went through the normal vows, but we didn't even try to add the additional 'you-are-the-light-of-my-life' nonsense. And that was good since we didn't mean any of the view we made, except the one about being loyal of course.

Sure, this wedding was fake but Alexander made it clear that even though the marriage means nothing to both of us, we weren't going to cheat. Alexander would stop going out with women, and I would forget Justin, although I promised that to Alexander and not myself.

After the vows, we exchanged rings then...

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the registrar started. "You may now kiss the bride."

I was so not prepared for this and it showed clearly on my face. Hopefully the others won't see my expression, but Alexander was able to keep his cool.

His hand made its way under my chin and tilts my head upwards so I'm looking directly at him. My heart started beating faster. He could see I was scared so he gave me this I'm-not-going-to-bite-you look.

"Just imagine this is Justin," he whispered. He sounded sad, but before I could think more about the reason for him being like that, I felt his lips on mine.

And it was the best feeling ever... because I was imagining Justin, right?

I kissed him back, because it felt good, because I wanted to kiss him or Justin, I don't know. I didn't like Alexander, but I wasn't doing that because I had to.

I'll admit that I liked the way his lips moved against mine, how he sucked in my bottom lip. He was a great kisser and I was getting addicted.

Alexander pulled away from me, although his forehead lingered on mine for a while before he turned back to the registrar. That was only when I heard our witnesses laughing and cheering.

I also turned away from him, cheeks flushed, embarrassed by what just happened. I promised myself that I wouldn't let that happen ever again. It's not as if Alexander would want to kiss me again.

"Now you're going to sign these papers..."

We continued with the ceremony, and Alexander and I took turns to sign the papers. We then followed more requirements and then the whole thing ended.

Putting fake smiles on our faces, Alexander and I hooked our arms together and headed out of the office with music playing in the background.

It's finally over. Nice to meet you Daniela Jackson.

We learnt that my aunt had surprised is with some small refreshments, so we went to another room for a small reception with the registrar and a few other employees too.

Aunt was talking to some of the employees, maybe about making arrangements to cater for this organisation, and I was sitting by Katherine, with Alexander sitting at my right side. Jason was sitting beside him too.

He was holding my hand the whole time and I pretended not to realise it as I spoke to Kathy.

"And you know Ela, that was some kiss you and Alexander shared back there." She wiggled one eyebrow at me.


"Yeah, it even made me want to grab Jason's collar and out his lips on mine."

My eyes widened.

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