Chapter Seventeen

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Daniela's POV

Alexander threw some papers on my lap as he pulled onto the road. We were heading to another hotel, where the meeting would be held. Alexander was driving and I was in the front seat beside him.

"This is the overview of the contract and all that you're supposed to know, so you can understand the meeting. It has the contributions of my company to this deal and some other basic stuff," he said in business tone.

"Okay," I nodded as I arranged the papers on my lap and went through them one by one. The task wasn't some piece of cake, but I could handle it.

"You're clear about everything right?" he asked, his focus on the road.

"Yeah yeah," I nodded again.

He kept quiet so I could read all the papers and understand. After thirty minutes of reading and asking questions over and over again, I felt ready.

I put the papers into a file and then placed it carefully on the dashboard.

"But can I ask you something?" I asked, breaking the silence.

He nodded. "Go on?"

"Why is the clothing line called Alexa? I'm certain that that isn't the short form of your name."

"It isn't," he confirmed, gripping the steering wheel tightly but didn't say anything again.

"Was that your mom's name?" I whispered softly. I knew that was a touchy subject so I didn't want him to blow up.

"Yeah," he answered and pressed his lips into a thin line.

No more conversation.

The silence was broken again, this time by my ringtone. I quickly took my phone from my bag and answered the call after seeing that it was Kathy.

"Hey, how's your trip going?" I asked immediately.

"It's great, it's great," she giggled heartily. What had gotten her so excited?

"You sound really happy," I found myself chuckling.

"Yes yes, are you with Alexander?" She was talking quickly now. Did she drink something?

"Yeah," I said glancing at Alexander. "Why?"

"Put me on speaker, put me on speaker," she gushed. I could hear Jason laughing in the background.


"Put me on speaker dimwit!"

"Okay, okay..." I removed the phone from my ear and then put Kathy on speaker.

"Am I on speaker?" she squealed.

Alexander looked at me for a second when he heard Kathy's voice. His gaze moved to my phone and then back to the road.

"Are you drunk?" he chuckled.

"No, I'm not," she answered, referring to Alexander. "Care to explain what this is all about?"

"What?" Alexander and I asked in unison.

"Hmm, now that I think about it, it was a really great plan," she added, only succeeding to confuse me more.

"What are you talking about Kathy?" I asked.

"We saw your Instagram posts," I heard Jason's voice, then Alexander groaned.

"When were you planning on telling us that you guys have finally..." Kathy laughed.

"It was nothing," Alexander quickly said. I felt a pang of something which I couldn't identify, but I nodded in agreement, forgetting that Kathy and Jason couldn't see me.

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