Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: Before reading I want to apologise for the long wait. I was only having internet problems. To compensate, I'm giving a DOUBLE UPDATE!!! So make sure to read the next chapter after this. And surprise surprise! This is a full Alexander's POV, meaning, Alexander is all yours for two chapters! I heart y'all!!!

Well... read on.


Alexander's POV

I was supposed to be worried, or at least concerned about myself and my health, and my work too, but I wasn't, though I still felt strange. The only thing I could really worry about was the woman sitting facing me on my bed, face buried in a book as inaudible words came out of her mouth. She was reading aloud alright, but I could only see her lips moving because of how deep in thought I was.

I was worried because as soon as I had woken up and my eyes went up to hers, I saw her eyelashes clinging to each other, clear evidence of the one-time existence of tears. I had asked her many times if something was wrong but she denied it every time, with a smile to convince me, but I couldn't be fooled. Something had happened when she went out and it could be that she didn't trust me enough to let me know, or she just didn't want me to worry. Well we shared a thing in common there, but I wanted it to get to the point where we could confide in each other, no matter what.

As she kept on reading, with her messy hair all around her, I stared and took every detail of her into the depths of my mind. The way she kept her head in a fixed position as her eyes moved from left to right. The way her eyebrows knitted downward in a frown when she skipped a line. The way she kept pushing her hair back to make her vision clearer. There was so much about her that I was still yet to learn. I was fighting everything in me not to pull her down and kiss the words out of her mouth. It wasn't because of my headache that I didn't follow my thoughts, but the fact that I knew it would not be right or healthy to kiss my way into her heart. I was definitely attracted to her. I had feelings for her, and I knew they hadn't just developed now. They had been there for a long time, and I had been too busy trying to take impossible revenge, that I didn't have the chance to acknowledge them. Now I had broken her, made her even more fragile, and earning her trust was going to be the task of a lifetime.

She frowned again dropping both hands and I felt something hit my side gently. It took a while before I realised she was looking at me, annoyed.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to completely pull myself out of the world I had slipped into, and shifted my attention to her and reality.

"What?" I asked, pushing myself up a bit.

"You're really annoying, you know that," she told me, using the book to hit me again.

"Ouch Daniela," I winced in exaggeration, rubbing where she had hit me. "What did I do?"

She rolled her eyes. "What did you do? I read a whole chapter and clearly you didn't hear a single word I said."

I smiled and took her hand in mine, caressing the back of her palm slowly. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry huh?" she asked turning away, in an attempt to hide the sudden redness of her face. It only made me smile wider. It was satisfying to know that she was at least affected by my touch. I had a long way to go.

"Look it isn't wrong that I found you more interesting than the book," I shrugged.

I was able to earn a laugh from her this time. "Stop it."

"I'm being honest here. And I'm sorry. Next time, I promise to listen."

"So you actually think there's going to be a next time? Then you dream really big," she teased.

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