Chapter Twenty-Three

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Daniela's POV

"Come on," Alexander said. He had opened my door and his hand was stretched out to me, waiting. Fine, this time I was the one acting mean, and it was annoying that it was making me feel bad, which shouldn't be. He deserved any attitude that I felt like giving him. Maybe I should let go of my worries, and just find out what he was up to.

I put my hand in his, making sure to grab my stuff before getting out.

"Let me help you with that," he offered, referring to the bags, after closing the door.

"Thanks," I smiled briefly, handing him one gift bag, but he took everything, leaving my purse with me. After locking the car, he took hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers this time. It took me by surprise, with the blush that crept up my face and the unsteady beating of my heart as proof. That was the first time he held my hand like that.

"Are you okay?" he asked, a slight frown on his face.

I nodded frantically and smiled to try to hide my embarrassment. I was sure I just made it worse. "Yeah."

"Let's get in then," he said and led us inside.

I shook my head and tightened my hold on his hand to stop him. I needed answers. He stopped as I wanted, and turned to me, cocking an eyebrow.

"What are you doing, Alexander?" I asked, looking at him suspiciously. He was actually scaring me now.

He smirked. "What do you think I'm doing?"

I eyed him some more and then shook my head again. Then we finally entered the place. As usual since it was morning, there were only a few people in there, but they instantly noticed us. I saw from the corner of my eye, people trying to take pictures of us, more of Alexander. He was a really attractive guy, and I wasn't the only one who has noticed that.

Alexander led me to the counter, where the waiters were taking orders from, where we met Cole. His eyes brightened when he saw me, and they got brighter when he saw Alexander with me.

"Good to see you guys have patched things up," he smiled, as we joined him behind the counter.

"Well thanks again man," Alexander said, giving Cole a bro hug.

"Yeah, thanks Cole," I rolled my eyes teasingly. "You're... such a good friend."

"Well I had to Ellie," he laughed. "And it obviously worked, so why are you worrying?"

I scrunched my nose and stuck my tongue out at him. Resulting in Cole rolling his eyes and then Alexander chuckling. Had Kathy infected him with some sort of happiness syndrome?

"And Cole," Alexander started, giving him one of the bags he was carrying. "Daniela got this for you."

As soon as Cole grabbed the bag, Alexander's phone starting ringing. He excused himself and went a few feet away for his privacy.

Cole's eyes widened when he saw what was in the bag.

"Aww, Ellie," he actually squealed, pulling me in for a tight, suffocating hug. "Thanks a lot."

He pulled away and then his hand made its way to the top of my head, ruffling my hair into a mess.

"Cole," I whined, pushing his hand off my hair while he laughed at me. "Stop! Do you know how hard it took me to keep it down this morning?"

He only raised a brow, as if in deep thought. He stared at me for a while and then at Alexander, then a smirked formed on his face.

"Yeah I know what you guys did to get your hair sexily messed up like that," he stated, wiggling his eyebrows.

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