Chapter Eight

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Daniela's POV

I had already had my bath and everything, but I didn't want to go downstairs for breakfast. I wasn't ready to see Alexander yet, even though I kind of missed him. I didn't feel like fighting because my head was already aching- not that I'd be happy to fight with him if my head wasn't aching. I think I got the headache from the nightmare I had, which I don't remember now, fortunately.

But anyway, I was really hungry and I couldn't deny my stomach of food.

Before I could even get up from bed, my phone started ringing.

Oh my God, it was Justin.

I had to forget him now, so there was no way I was answering it.

I quickly declined the call before I got tempted to talk to him. But I guessed really wanted to say something, because in the next second, he had sent a message.

I'm leaving for Geneva today. This is your last chance. Run away with me.

I had to read the message over and over again for it to finally sink in. This was an opportunity, a good or bad one, depending on how I saw it. I could never be truly happy with Alexander or with Justin, but I still had to choose on of them.

And I knew I wanted to run away with Justin.

But I couldn't. Not because I couldn't escape the body guards outside, or Alexander himself, but because I couldn't put my aunt's life in danger. I loved her more than anything in the world. So, there was no other option than to stay and endure life with Alexander.

I looked back at telephone and texted him back.

Me: I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm married.

Justin: I don't care. Are you coming or not?

Me: I'm not going with you.

Justin: Your loss.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes tightly before my fingers typed something I would soon regret.

I was not going to cry, I wasn't-

Then I heard myself sniffing.

Oh crap! I had to stop this. I had to get used to the fact that I wasn't supposed to see Justin again. I prayed silently that I'd forget Justin soon enough I'd be able to move on with life.

I got up from bed and then went downstairs. All of a sudden, I wasn't in a good mood, so I just walked past Alexander without looking at him or saying anything and then got settled in my seat.

I got a slice of bread and some scrambled eggs on my plate and then poured some juice into my glass.

Through the silence I could feel Alexander's eyes on me, watching my every move.

I looked up to him, anticipating an explanation for his rude stare.

"What?!" I snapped at him when he didn't say anything, and it was evident that my outburst took him by surprise.

"Why do you look so sad today?" he asked.

"Well because you're back. Do you expect me to be happy with this?" I asked harshly, the 'this' referring to the whole marriage thing and the fact that I had to drink orange juice. Orange juice wasn't that bad, but I still preferred my normal glass of warm milk.

"But you don't always look this gloomy," he continued, not caring that I now felt the pain of losing the love of my life.

"Why do you care?" I asked rhetorically, looking back at my food. "Isn't this how you've always wished for me to be?"

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