Chapter Thirty

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Daniela's POV

Picking at my food, I sighed for the nth time this morning. I was confused. Too confused to even know what to feel. The sky was bright, the sun had dominion over the atmosphere, making it a warm beautiful morning. It was supposed to give a good mood, to make your day lively, but I didn't know why this day had started so wrong. What was more annoying was that I didn't know what to make of everything.

No, it wasn't about a nightmare. This was the third time I had slept without horrifying interruptions, and the second time I had relaxingly slipped into the night's oblivion in Alexander's protective arms, so that was supposed to make me happy. But I was not. I was worried and confused.

This morning when I had woken up, I was greeted by just the strong minty scent that belonged to Alexander. Only that, the actual person wasn't there. He wasn't in the bathroom or in the closet or anywhere in the mansion for that matter. It was only when I spoke to Nina, that I learned that he had already left for work. I took it as him not wanting to wake me up, or that he had something really important to attend to, but the worry kicked in when I texted him and got no response. Same result when I called him.

I was trying very hard not to get negative thoughts into my head. I tried to convince myself that whatever he was avoiding, it wasn't me. He wouldn't just ignore me like that.

He had changed.

"Are you okay, Ela?"

I sighed again and circled my fork around my plate of scrambled eggs. I was sure it had almost gone cold by now.

"Should I take your plate away?"

A voice pulled me out of my sulking and I looked up to see Jenny.

"Uh- sorry. Were you saying something?" I asked her, putting on a smile.

"It's okay. I was just asking if you were done with your food," she elaborated.

My eyes instantly went back to my plate, as if I was just realising it was there. I shook my head no. I never really felt comfortable with wasting food.

"No, I'll just finish it," I answered forking the eggs into my mouth. It wasn't too cold.

"But are you okay?" she inquired.

I pursed my lips, rubbing my hand over them as I played with the fork in my other hand. "Did... did you speak to my husband before he left?"

"No," she shook her head, sitting next to me. "Actually, he didn't speak to anyone today. He went to work on his own too."

Okay, so that was strange.

I fed myself some more and then swallowed before looking back at her. "But at least, did you see him before he went?"

"No," came her answer again. "Not really, but you guys are okay right? We've noticed you have gotten really close."

I smiled at that. "Yeah, we're fine... I guess. I just haven't spoken to him today and he isn't answering my calls. I-I don't know what to think."

She gave me an encouraging smile. "I'm sure everything's fine. Maybe he's just busy. You know how demanding his job can be."

I nodded. "You're right. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

We conversed about a few other things while I finished my breakfast. After, I allowed her to take my plate since I was still worrying although she had told me not to.

He had texted me while he was in a meeting once, so I didn't know why this time he wasn't answering a single call. I took my phone out once again, telling myself that I would call just one last time. To my dismay, it went straight to his voicemail.

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