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Ella, Jackson, David, Henry, Emma, Hook and Regina were standing around Mary Margaret as she sat at a table outside Granny's looking at a bottle of liquid

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Ella, Jackson, David, Henry, Emma, Hook and Regina were standing around Mary Margaret as she sat at a table outside Granny's looking at a bottle of liquid.

"So if we don't give in to her she'll use that ok everyone?" David asked

"Yes." Mary Margaret said

Regina picked up the bottle and said, "So what is it?"

Mary Margaret shrugged her shoulders as she said, "She said we needed to figure it out and that if we didn't give over our hearts within twelve hours she would use it on the whole town."

Emma went to reach for the bottle but before she could her hand started shaking, "You okay?" Mary Margaret asked as Emma quickly retracted her hand

"No but I have an excuse haven't you heard the evil queens trying to kill my parents." Emma said

David put his hands on Mary Margaret's shoulders as he said, "You said we were alive and well in your vision of the future."

Emma nodded, "The oracle said that things could kind of change as we went along. But the only thing that was certain was that I died."

"Speaking of death." Regina interrupted, "I think I know what this is." Regina then walked over to the nearest tree and poured a drop of liquid onto it and all the leaves immediately fell off of it and it died.

"Well that's... what in the bell kind of potion is that?" Ella asked

Regina held up the bottle, "It's not a potion it's water."

"Oh I knew it never trusted the stuff. Rum'd never do that." Hook said

Emma smiled as she said, "What kind of water is it?"

"From the river of lost souls" Regina said

Ella sighed as she said, "Gold, we used some to destroy Pan so I'm guessing the Queen is working with Gold he must've brought it back from the underworld... and if you don't give your hearts she can destroy the town."

The Second Princess (2)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now