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"Give it back, Kevin the camera is Emma's not yours

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"Give it back, Kevin the camera is Emma's not yours."

Emma clicked the remote to stop the recording.

"Emma, that's you, you must be-"

Emma cut Mary Margaret off saying, "Thirteen maybe fourteen."

"Are you missing the part where she's with the snow queen?" Regina asked leaning in between where Emma and Mary Margaret were sitting Regina turned to face Emma, "Emma you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?"

Emma nodded and said, "Apparently my run-in with her in town wasn't the only memory she erased... all this time in this foster home, or whatever that place is it's gone."

"Loo, I-I just don't understand how she even ended up in this world." Belle said

Emma turned around to look at Gold and Belle, "We were hoping Gold could tell us that you spent more time trying to get here than anyone how the hell she do it?"

Gold shrugged saying, "Considering the time I spent on the same task I'd love to know."

"Does it really matter how she got to Emma?" David asked crossing his arms, "Shouldn't we be worried about why?"

"Obviously she needed her for something but what?" Ella asked as she was leaning on the wall of the station, "Well I guess we found our next problem."

"Well, we know she's hiding somewhere in the north woods we combed every inch of her shop, we tore apart her house she must have cleared everything out days before." David stated

"Which means she might be hiding something." Hook added

"But where?" Emma asked turning around

"What about her ice cream truck?" Henry asked walking forwards

Emma raised her eyebrows and said, "Woah, the snow queen has an ice cream truck?"

Henry shrugged his shoulders, "I'm a kid I notice these kind of things."

"Then we split up into groups we search the town, the woods. Hook, Emma Regina you take the west. Gold, Ella you're with me for the east." David said

The Second Princess (2)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now