12.) Shopaholic

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Chapter 12

~Renesmee's POV~

"I think you look dandy Gus," I said eyeing his outfit, that held many shades of gray, including gray trousers, light gray sweater, dark gray shoes, and a gray pea coat.



"I look like a school boy from a Korean drama"

I frowned before questioning.

"You speak Korean?"


"And you watch Korean dramas?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Well.....how else would one learn Korean?"

"Oh I don't know....online classes....the English to Korean dictionary.....Korean phone app?"

"Aww but darling....I have no cellular phone" he said with a wink.

"Wait so you don't have a cell phone? How do you even communicate with the Volturi when you're on missions and stuff?" I asked with surprise in my tone.

"The Volturi prefer public telephones, so the numbers can't be traced back to the castle. Second of, We actually prefer to call them assignment. A mission seems two cheesy like a James Bond movie." He stated with an upside down smile.

"You don't like James Bond movies?"

"It's not that I don't like the movies; they're just too overrated, now Star Wars was a masterpiece"

"Gus, you're a Star Wars fan?"

"More of a fanatic, aren't you? Oh of course not, I bet all you watch is sappy romantic comedy's like Pretty In Pink or The Notebook" He joked with a cheesy smile.

"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!"

And fathers old bedroom went silent. Slowly turning from the ivory body length mirror and dropping sea-green eyes on me, I suddenly became still not moving a single muscle, his thick eyebrows raised in surprise while his stunning eyes screamed suspicion. Flashing an Elvis smile at me, I instantly felt my checks burn with frustration...or at least I thinks that's why. He slowly leaned in, inches from my face, eyeing me for oblivion matter...and for some reason I couldn't look away....I was stuck.....lost in his oceany eyes.

"Princess Leia" Leonardo whispered, slowly allowing his warm breath hit my nose, this act sent shivers down my spine. I don't know why...but having him this close to me...seems...rather normal, in a strange way; I kind of liked it. But I couldn't...I shouldn't.

"Par.....Parton me?" I asked stumbling in my own sentence.

"Star Wars, Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back....that was Princess Leia's sassy quote" Gus explained, while playing with his golden blond tousled hair.

"Right." I whispered catching my breath. "You're not the only one who enjoys epic space Opera's"

"I see, now I can finally have a conversation with someone who'd understand my interest in the science-fiction" he said taking a step back.

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness and giggled at the silly faces he blow my way. Leonardo was truly a unique guy, as well as silly, and a tad strange; but in a good way.

Leonardo Augustus has been living with my family for a little over three weeks now. He's funny and charming as well as bull minded and obnoxious, but hay at least there's another Emmett/Jacob in the house.

Having another hybrid in the house is kind of cool and a bit exciting, for starters we both sleep. Since I sleep a room away from him I can hear Gus dream. He actually snores, it's kind of cute. Because we're both part human, are tummies roar with hunger for human food, so grandma Esme has been teaching Gus and I cooking lessons, it's not that she gets tired of cooking, but because Gus insisted on learning home cooking from "the true master chief". And most importantly, because Leonardo has both venom and blood running in his system, he is the only one who understands my constant struggle with trying to fit in with the full breed vampires. I never actually told my family or even mention it, but I sometimes feel like I don't belong here with them; with there perfection and flawless looks, although I am told constantly that I'm perfect and I'm beautiful I find myself feeling less then. Since Gus's arrive I've began to feel better, I began to feel normal, I began to feel like I belong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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