4.) Leah's Secret

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Chapter 4

~ Renesmee POV ~

"This is stupid, mom! We're vampires for crying out loud!" I argued as my mother placed the tracker-watch around my wrist. She gently clicked the switch on and in less than a second the watch glowed neon green.

"Honey you heard your father, it's for your own safety," Mother pointed out as she touched her finger tip to my nose, which made me make a face at her, and then she kissed my forehead and left the room.

I wanted to slap myself as I remembered that my remark about the Volturi visitor was what brought all of that up! It started with everyone thinking about the possibilities, and then when they thought that I might be right, everyone suddenly became just over protective.

My father bought the Tracker-Watch; it's a watch that tracks the person who is wearing it from more than a country away. "It's so if anything happened and you disappeared, we'll be able to locate you and bring you home", was exactly what he said to me as he introduced the watch to me,

"But daddy, it's a waste of money and time! I am half a vampire, I could always run," was my genius reply,

"RENESMEE YOU'RE ALSO HALF HUMAN, DAMN IT! THERE ARE FAST DANGEROUS VAMPIRES THAT CAN HUNT AND KILL YOU IN A HEART BEAT," I remember my father yelling at me with such anger in his eyes as if being half human was a problem.

"Daddy," I responded with little effort it came out in a whisper. I had never seen my father yell at all, and especially not at me, until that day.

"Renesmee are you OK?" My aunt Alice asked, entering the cold kitchen with a concerned look on her face.

"Well if by OK you mean waiting for a random person out there to get me, my father yelling at me, broke Jake's heart and missing him like hell, and me wearing a stupid watch that's tracking my every single move! Then yup, I am fantastic," I yelled, jumping off the black granite counter top landing on my feet and leaving my aunt behind in kitchen.

"Renesmee..... Wait," My aunt pleaded after me.

"WHAT?!!!" I yelled with anger. Her golden eyes starred back at me with surprise and disappointment, and I regretted snapping at her. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me," I cried out as I wrapped my arms around my aunt's waist,

My aunt wrapped her arms around me then placing her hand under my chin, "Honey, it's all right I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through! You're still a child in need of comfort and understanding, we seem to forget that sometimes," she replied, now smoothing my hair with her fingers.

"I don't know what came over me, I just feel like a mess, I'm so stressed out and I guess I took it out on you because you were the first person to approach me," I said laying my head on her shoulder while letting a tear run down my cheek.

"It's ok now stop crying before I begin to cry, too" Aunt Alice said placing her cold hands on either side of my face.

"But you can't cry?," I said giggling.

"That's the point love," Aunt Alice said placing her left arm behind my back and leading me towards the living room.

"Don't cry little miss, crying doesn't suite your oh so pretty face," Uncle Jasper says giving me a kiss on my forehead and wrapped his long arms around my aunt's small figure. I smile convincing him not to worry.

"I'll leave you with Emmett. I hope he can cheer you up," Aunt Alice says giving me a last hug before walking out the door with uncle Jasper.

"Why so down kid?" Uncle Emmett said while fixing his plaid PJ's pants.

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