8.) Stranger Danger

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Chapter 8 - Part I

Jacob's POV

"The worst part is I simply ran away" I winced, remembering that evenings event. Renesmee's frightened expression hunts me every minute of the day, from her colorless face to questionable raised eyebrows.

"Huh,ya. That sucks man." Seth mumbles through his half opened mouth.

"Seth are you even listing to me?" I snapped surprised by his childish response.

"Course, sounds bad."

"What an ass" I whispered under my breath.

"Heard that" he pronounce, with a finger dancing in the air.

"Well maybe if you just listen once and a while you would know my problem" I uttered through my teeth.

"Dude not even my lady friend bitches as much as you do" Seth joked, while keeping his eyes on the game screen. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Fine, whatever" I growled. I hate being away from my Nessie this long, it hurts even more knowing I caused this long silence between us.

"Jake, just apologies. It's not like you hurt her or anything, actually it's kind of bad ass you stopped in the mids of the shifting process" Seth approved.

"She was scared Seth, if only you would have seen her." I stated, not at all proud of frightening my imprint.

Seth winced while tossing the game Controller to the side, then stretching out on the old beaten up 70's couch that had years of food stains painted on it.

"Look dude, all am saying is she'll live and if shes really your imprint, I doubt she'll use it against you" Seth asserted. I was suddenly filled with hurt and internal pain. I felt as if I had just been punch in the gut, or even slapped across the face.

"Not...imprint" I whispered, not making since of the words coming out of my mouth. I looked down at my empty hands, what if Seth's right? what if Renesmee Cullen is not my imprint; but simply a stupid crush like the one I had on her mother.

"You OK Jake?" Seth asked, still laying on the worn out couch.

I flinched in pain. Seth can't possibly think Renesmee's not my imprint.

"Jake, what's on your mind?" Seth asked once again, but this time with concern in his voice.

I was confused and stressed out. Seth's a child obvious he doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyone's ignorant and blind, if they don't see Renesmee Cullen as my imprint.

"Renesmee Cullen is my imprint, and I can prove it" I repeated, but this time louder so Seth could hear. I immediately jumped on my feet and sprinting out the front door leaving Seth confused in the small living room of my house.

I ran directly toward the woods not looking back but simply forward, ignoring Seth attempt of stopping my oblivious actions. I ripped my clothes off my body not caring of my nudity in the shading foresting, then with out notice I began to shift, and in seconds I was a ten foot tall creature.
My wolf howled in excitement for the simple action of being freed, I haven't turned wolf in days and honestly it felt incredibly amazing to feel Septembers chilly winds scrambled through my think winter coat.

Renesmee. My Renesmee, the hell with anyone who thinks we don't belong together. The hell with all the ridiculous thoughts and fears of her love for me being only delusion. We were meant to be no? Of course we were, it was that simple really. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I already knew she would be the one who would change my life; for the better of course.
She may not see it now, but soon she will realized we were made for each other and hopefully with time, patience and a life time of infinite love, she will accept me as her soul mate her other-half. Soon she will see me not as Jacob her lovable best friend, but something more possibly a husband even.

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