3.) Broken

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Chapter 3

~ Jacob's POV ~

My eyelids started to burn, they felt itchy like the time I had chicken pox as a kid, I felt the warmth of the sun rays as it overwhelmed my skin.

I opened my eyes only to come to face with the hot sun, I sat up soon realizing I was completely naked and my clothes and shoes were gone. I looked around and saw I was in La Push beach, the warm sand I was sitting on felt itchy and sticky against the sweat on my body.

I must have turned human last night without realizing, I bet my wolf had fun last night doing what he wanted and making all the decisions on his own I looked out into the ocean view and saw the cool Aqua color waves hit against each other with such force I was sure they would hit the warm morning sky.

Without warning, my mind started wandering again, and remembering everything that happened yesterday.


I thought about her. As her face appeared on my mind, I felt like I wanted to escape all over again, from the hurt and the rejection. Her reaction hurt my heart and soul so bad I'm sure I was gone and beyond repair.

The only choice I had left was to forget her and accept the fact that she may never love me as a mate, my wolf howled in pain for our loss of her.

Suddenly I herd footsteps coming behind me and caught the scent of someone familiar coming my way.

It was Leah.

"Didn't think you liked skinny dipping, Jake," Leah said and giggled,

I tried to cover myself as I snapped at her, "What the hell Leah! Can't you see I'm naked?"

Leah walked up to the edge of the aqua color beach and stood there for a second just looking out into the beautiful morning. She was wearing black jeans, an over size ivory sweater and green rain boots... pretty comfortable if you ask me.

Without even looking at me, Leah threw me a white bag and continued staring into the horizon, "What's this," I asked opening the plastic bag, checking it out like a curious kid.

"Extra Clothes. Seth told me you were out last night and saw you didn't have any clothes attached to your ankle," Leah said.

"Thanks," I say looking into the bag and graving a pair of black boxer out of the bag. I couldn't imagine Leah going through my things, let alone my underwear drawer.

"Don't worry; I didn't go through your stuff. Seth did it, I just volunteered to bring the bag," Leah said keeping her eyes on ocean.

"Thanks, Leah, I really appreciate it," I said quickly putting on my boxers and a black pair of jeans, I stood up to zip my jeans up when Leah turned around.

"Opps " Leah whispered, as she turned away again as quickly as she could,

I couldn't help but to notice how her cheeks were turning pink, "Leah, are you blushing?" I asked with a smug smile trying to make her blush even more.

I don't know why but for some awkward reason, I was enjoying this, making Leah blush. I quickly slipped my black vans on and plan white tee.

She didn't reply, though. She was staring at something happening in the forests, I bet she didn't even hear my question. I walked up to Leah and caught a glimpse of what she was watching, it was a small fawn looking for food when its mother came and recruited him from that exposed part of the forest which was basically the beach.

We stood there in silence for a long moment, and then Leah cleared her throat lightly and looked into my eyes as she asked, "Jacob, what happened yesterday between you and Renesmee?"

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