7.) Birthday - Part II

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Chapter 7 - Part II

~ Jacobs POV ~

As I saw her, my breath caught in my mouth, her milky chocolate brown eyes melted my heart every time she glanced my way. She absently twirled her bronze hair in her slim fingers, flashes off her mint nail polish showing through the silky strands of dark gold. Time slowed down as she batted her long dark eyelashes and she smiled, her face lit up and for a second I was blinded by her pure sheer beauty. She stepped forward, her sleek legs moving gracefully, confidently towards her goal. As she glided across the backyard of her home picking up a bright red object, her olive sweater hugged her hour glass figure, her thin, toned legs covered by dark leggings. I stood tongue tied as she glided across the yard, finally coming to rest in front of me. Her rose red lips moved slowly, forming words I had neither anticipated nor prepared for. Suddenly startled by the ending of my day dreaming, I could now hear her soft violet voice.

"Jacob what the hell" Renesmee pronounced with arms folded over her chest, and annoyance written on her pretty face.

"Jacob" My Nessie sung. Her beauty amazed me every time, but today it felt different. As if she had changed once again and become more beautiful then before, which was entirely impossible because Renesmee Cullen was always the picture of perfection.

"Jacob are you alright?" My imprint voiced one more, this time with a sense of distress. She lay a warm hand over my cheek making my heart warm in the processes. I smiled assuring her am alright. Even though she clearly stated her true feelings towards me, that sunny September day in the meadow. I still have strong hopes in changing her mind and making her fall in love with me.

"Am alright Ness, guess am just hungry" I answered her worried expression. She exhaled in relief and dropped her hand on her side.

"You're always hungry Jake" She joked with a beaming smile that came with small dimples. I laughed in amusement; Nessie always knew how to bring a smile to my face.

"So were done playing ultimate Frisbee" She questioned with a thin brown eyebrow up and a red Frisbee in her hand.

"Yes we are, now let's go inside before you get hurt on your birthday Ness" I replied turning her around and walking her to the front porch of her families home. Before I could reach the door handle, the door swung open with Esme on the other side.

"Come on in kids." The lovely mother of the Cullen's said, stepping aside while letting us enter the banana scented house.

"Jacob my dear," Esme began with folded hands. " I over heard you say you were hungry, so I took the liberty of making you kids a batch of banana muffins" I instantly smiled at the thought of freshly baked muffins in my mouth, all thanks to my basic human senses.

"A glass of milk wouldn't hurt" I blurt out with out thinking. I then felt a small pinch on my right arm caused by Renesmee.

"What?" I said shrugging my shoulders, later receiving a roll of eyes, from the bronze beauty.

"More like a gallon of milk" Emmett said with a smirk while passing us, and flying up the stairs to where blondie was waiting.

"Of course dear," Esme sweetly laughed. "As much as you like, don't hesitate to ask for more" Esme continued while walking us to the magazine like kitchen.

"Do I ever?' I asked sarcastically while eyeing Nessie, She simply continued to ignore me.

"I'll leave you two, to enjoy the snack" Esme said with a warm smile. As Esme walked out the kitchen with a last glance, I instantly lay eyes on the food, as if on cue, my stomach growls. I didn't realize how hungry I was, then again am a wolf I'm always hungry. Suddenly I began to see love at first sight, besides my Renesmee of course

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