5.) Friends

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Chapter 5


"What time is it?" I asked while flipping through pages in the teen Vogue magazine.

"Quarter past noon," Uncle Jasper said sitting in the floor Indian style while meditating.

"When is Grandpa Charlie coming?" I asked throwing the magazine in the floor frustrated by all the waiting I had to endure.

"Renesmee, honey your parents have left for the airport hours ago they'll arrive soon enough I promise. Your grandfather and Sue are on there way," Aunt Alice says as I lay my head on her lap. I began to play with my aqua coloured nails as my aunt played with my bronze curls.

"I know, but I hate waiting around like a lost penguin," I said.

Aunt Alice smiled at my comment while rolling her eyes, "Well you can go help Esme and Carlisle in the kitchen. They're always looking for extra hands,"

"Ya, right" I narrowed my eyes, "But I don't want to burn the house down. I'll let the pros handle the cooking,"

"You could always read a book," Uncle Jasper said without opening his eyes.

"I already read all the books in grandpa's study before I was six, I want something new to do," I said biting my lower lip.

"Come on, shorty, you can arm wrestle with me," Uncle Emmett said kissing his arm muscles he calls guns.

"Naw you always win and when I win it's because you let me," I said getting up from my aunt's lap and onto my feet.

"Come on, that's not my fault you have a big strong uncle," Uncle Emmett said while pulling Aunt Rosalie to his lap. Aunt Rosy wrapped her arms around his neck while kissing his cheek.

"I know what to do," I said now running up the stairs to the top floor were the piano room is.

As I began to enter the piano room I spotted my reflection on the window walls of the room. I began to walk closer to the window and got a perfect view of myself, I have changed a lot over the years.

I no longer carry a girlish figure but I have matured into a women's body with wide thighs and small breast. My lips were stained red while my cheeks glow pink; my long bronze curls looked brown under the light.

Out of nowhere I began to dance in circles in my poetic dazzle dress. My flower pattern dress danced along with my craziness until I was too dizzy to even stand up. I sat on the black bench next to the piano, as I recollected my vision I Looked at my black boots and black tights and remembered Aunt Alice winning the argument of what type of shoes I should wear and then driving us to the mall to buy them.

I turned around facing the jet black grand piano; I traced the word Bösendorfer the grand pianos name with my fingers, then moved my hand to the piano's keys, the keys were cold indicating they haven't been touched in a while.

I closed my eyes as I began to play the first few notes of moonlight sonata by Beethoven an all time favourite of mind, an old memoir started to appear I was a child in my fathers lap listing to his graceful fingers move across the grand pianos keys.

As a young child I was introduced to the beauty that lies in classical music and the sweet symphony of Mozart, daddy taught me to play the piano as soon as I could walk. I opened my eyes and stopped playing as soon as I smelt the presence of someone in the room with me.

"Good afternoon Grandpa Carlisle," I said greeting my grandfather with a polite smile.

"Good afternoon dear, I was in the kitchen preparing food with your grandmother when I herd Beethoven being played," Grandpa Carlisle said leaning on the entrance door.

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