The Dance Of Fate

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"It's too early to get out of bed.." Adina said, her voice gravelly from being awoken by the lack of a certain Witcher next to her. "And don't you dare hum.." her vision still full of sleep. Geralt turned back to face her. After what had happened the other night with the blistering boiled scar, he was still unsure of his feelings for her. Geralt knew he liked her, but at the end of the day, she was still a princess,
which meant she had to have had someone waiting for her in the kingdom that they were no longer faraway from, "I need to find you a mage.." he said, making an excuse to leave, looking back at the semi- sleeping woman, he noticed how at peace she was,
"Where the hell are you going to find a mage in these woods at this time in the morning..." She popped her head up, dark hairs peering out of her braid. "Tell me that, Geralt." suddenly entering from the tent was Flora. Covered in what the pair both could see were love bites, "Not to intrude, but..." her eyes on Geralt then back at Adina, "What is it.." Geralt asked, keeping his focus on the elf. " A royal ball!" she said, wiggling in excitement.
The two only stared at her, giving the signal that it wasn't a good time. "Seems fate is calling you hmm," Geralt asked, a bit standoffish towards Adina. "Seems it is.." she covered herself back into the covers.
The sun was hot with beating beams shining on the travelers. As both Buttercup and Roach trotted along the dirt paths, their riders were silent. Not a word uttered by Adina, who usually had something witty to say.
"I was thinking the one song about the striga," Jaskier mumbled, walking next to Flora.
"Too raunchy.." Flora responded, "Mahaps the fish one? it'll keep everyone dancing." she laughed,
"You like that one.." he asked, a blush rising on his cheeks.
"It's the wink you do.."
"What will you do when you return.." Geralt looked over at Adina,
"You think I want to go back to that hellish place.." she snapped her head at him. "You'll never understand how it is to have such a burden thrust upon you to overtly fuck you over!" Geralt looked at her in shock as he only laughed, "You wouldn't last a day being a witcher.." he snarled, pulling the reins to get Roach to gallop faster. Abbinshire was an enormous village with tall fixtures. Waterfall mountains and "A Tavern... I could go for a drink..." Jaskier said, happily taking Flora by the hands walking her over.
An a kiss from the princess!
To the champion to the Knight
Spare a maidenhead tonight!
Flora smirked, sitting down on the table as the crowd of drunken cheers grew louder. "Flora's ome!" Adelaide shouted, her red hair gleaming in the sun. "Tells us about yer ventures.." Swan, a pirate, said, her chin in her hand. "Well, I defeated a Striga using my lute.." Flora started, watching as Jaskier looked up to her with the most loving eyes. "And then I said to it.."
"You hid in the bushes.." Adina smirked, her caped hood covering her face. "Got your biscuit buttered by the bard." she walked closer towards the elf. " Then I sliced it in half and saved a witcher.." she took her hood down, revealing her face. "Your h-highness.." everyone dropped silent at her voice. It had been a while since the kingdom had last seen her. " Give us your best mead.. " she laughed, as she then plopped next to Flora. As much as Adina hated being back home, she did miss the ounce of power she had over people from time to time.
" Do you have in mind what suitor you're going for ?" the pirate asked, wiggling her eyebrows at the now monarch.
"Not a Lryian nor a Cintran they bore me.." She winked at the woman, "I'd much prefer a Rivian or a Kaedwenian." she looked at Geralt, who seemed to be flirting with another woman. One that looked like her friend Ravalee, Adina thought nothing of it as she then paid with coppers and walked out, taking Buttercup towards the kingdom's drawbridge. Seeing the golden dragon tapestry hanging on the walls brought back many memories, some joyous others, mostly pain. The once ever so bleak halls shinned with decorations fit for an engagement made for a one-sided party.
As she took further steps, she could feel the bloodshed of someone that she had ought to have remembered longer than before. "Are you okay?" Jaskier asked, standing beside her, taking in awe the detail of the castle. "Just haunted by the ghost of the people my father killed.." she said, feeling the scar on her back sting again,
"Do whatever is you must to retrieve my-" Clarion looked at his daughter in disbelief of what Adina had been wearing. Geralt's shirt, with pants and the armor of a knight. "Thank you, bard, for returning my daughter to me," he mumbled. Jaskier only nodded as he then left.
"So the songs are true.." the king glared, taking a whiff of her scent. "You've been impersonating a knight .."
"I am a knight I swore under the code when you neglected me!" she growled.
"You reek of Witcher.." he balled his fist. The familiar boils around her scar reappeared, some making puss the others growing like a boiling potion. Adina was practically on her knees from her pain. "I thought I advised you never to socialize with their kind."
Adina looked at him, hot tears staining her face,
"Please stop.." she whispered, her vision going black.
The sound of lutes and instruments flooded her ears as the voices of millions began drowning the cheery tune out. Although she didn't know how she got there, Adina noticed that she was sitting amongst her father, dressed in a gown of red.
"From Cintra lord... Gazza!" Adina nearly scoffed, a look of boredom on her face.
"Princess Adina, I bring forth to you the promise of a male heir," he smirked. Adina nearly choked on the wine. "I doubt it.. " she mumbled under her breath, " a cocky bastard with half the cock.. " she laughed, thinking about how Geralt would have loved her witty comment.
"Presenting The Knight Bram from Nilfgaard."
"Boring.." Adina commented,
"Bring in the next suitor .. and have him executed." The king decreed. Although he was doing this in his favor, he could at least pretend that he was listening.
"You're going to go in there and impress.."
"No.." Geralt sighed.
"I bathed you and dressed you."Flora whisper shouted from behind the door. Flora and Jaskier had set up Geralt with the best royal treatment they could muster up as two bards. "I feel stu-"
"Presenting Geralt of Rivia!."
Adina's heart swelled up as it began to beat faster than usual. She knew that the way they had ended things before she had gotten to the palace was a bit unjust, but there was nothing like seeing that white-haired brooding man in front of her. Adina stood impressed with the clothes that Flora had bought him. If she didn't know any better, she'd think he was a prince. " He's the one!" Adina said, walking towards him, the soft red fabric trailing towards the witcher, emerald jewels on her neck.
"Why not think this over with a dance of the other suitors.." The king whisper shouted, balling up his fist as a threat.
As the music of the ball played, Adina's eyes found amber ones looking directly at her. She was surprised that her father didn't pick up on the fact, but for now, she just wanted to be with Geralt,
"Flora amazes me.. she's been strumming for 8 hours now," Adina said, standing next to Geralt.
"How are you.."
"Magic.. daughter of a wizard ." she pointed to her clone. "Walk with me.." she nearly commanded. Sitting in the stable under the moon and stars were Adina and Geralt, silence falling over the two, but this time more comfortable. With the company of Buttercup,
"About the other day."
"What about it.." Geralt asked,
"The kiss .. and the words.."
"You are a big fucking pain in my arse .." he laughed, pulling her closer towards him. "But you once more are not a burden." he flashed a charming smile as he heard her heart skip a beat. "And the kiss?" she looked him deep in the eyes.
"What about it.."
"Did you mean it.." Geralt had never witnessed a face so delicate and wanting as he did now. Seeing Adina in her full princess attire only made him want her more. Geralt gave her a nod, pressing his forehead against hers.

"We need to go.." Flora ran into the stables, "Your father found out Geralt's a witcher, and well.. "
"There's a bounty on your pretty heads." Jaskier finished her sentence. The two then saddled up as Adina wrapped her hair. Charging and slicing the bodies of guards they had made it off the moat,
And closer towards an Inn. As usual, Geralt was in the tub, but this time he was accompanied by Adina. "
Go ahead, ask about the scars..." he sighed. Adina only laughed as she stepped into the bath.
"Those are cute." she grinned, "Especially the kikimora scar." she rubbed her finger across it, noticing how Geralt never shivered under her touch.
"Tell me about that one.." He pointed to a deep cut like scar on her leg that from her ankle to her knee. " Oxebeast.. ugly looking bastards." she laughed, "I surprisingly shouldn't have that leg, but miracles, am I right.." she turned to face Geralt. He was amazed that a woman of stature was so bold enough to fight an on oxebeast.
"How'd you get so brave," he asked, sitting her between his legs. "Well.." her breath hitched, "I wasn't always so brave.. haven't been since my mother died...I knew her for a short time.." she teared up, "And then she was gone... sometimes I wonder if she'll come back, and other times I wonder.."
"Why did she leave me .." he mumbled, reflecting on his childhood for a bit.
"You feel empty..and you wonder when you're next, so you stop giving five shites." she then looked at him, moving a strand of hair from his face.
"You start to appreciate life when it doesn't give a damn about you.." he smirked, knowing that what she said was true. "Are you sure you aren't a product of Kaer Morhen," he kissed her cheek. The way she was so vulnerable at the moment reminded him of how he used to be before the world around him came crumbling down as he laced his fingers in her hair. He couldn't help but feel that she was apart of his path to destiny.
"No, but I'm a product of my honor. " Adina smirked, ghosting her lips over his own. She felt him lean closer as she then moved away.
Laying her head in Geralt's lap, Adina saw the destiny she always wanted, staring right back at her.
"You look like a greasy pig." she laughed, playing with the sweat-soaked hair stuck to his forehead.
"Shut up.." he rolled his eyes, lacing their fingers together. Adina then wrapped her arms around his muscled torso as she then scrunched her face in pain, a vision occurring.

"She's alive.."

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