May Victory Find You

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Blood redden the water that beheld the jewel of the kingdom Abbinshire. Mages, knights, and even warriors trod the paths that not even kings once stood. Guards and crooked knights of virtue surrounded the castle, and Adina knew there was no backing down now.
"Nice to see you bought my little gift of deception .."
"I should have known.." Adina turned towards the voice. Standing behind her was the real Clarion, the one that gave her nightmares and filled her up with fears. "I must say I was impressed!" he laughed, taking his blade through her torso. Watching his daughter double over, he could smile at the sheer pain she must have been facing. Or so he had thought, watching as he had gotten closer: Adina took a small dagger slicing at his ankle.
"How are you not.."
"Thank the gods for witchers and their potions.." She laughed, "Which reminds me I should thank Geralt for when I return.." She then took her sword, hearing it crash against his, though things were just as rough on the frontlines as they were in the castle.
"Arrows drawn!" Flora shouted, war paint covering her face just as it did her tribe. Her sisters, Fauna, Faith, and Fiona, had been ready at their sister's command: While her brothers waited in the woods to ambush, Florian had other plans. Rayanetta looked at her husband, her hands on his face. She could tell he was horrified: Florian wasn't always one to always start fights, but he knew how to finish them when Rayanetta couldn't. "Promise me you'll bring victory back with us for Anore," Florian asked.
"Promise me you won't die, Florian. And I promise you a fruitful win." she gave him a quick kiss leading her men to battle. As bombs blared and cannons took to fire: the mages, one by one, had led together in a bloodbath of guards and witch hunters. Scattered and dismembered bodies laid there in the grass, some even in the trees. Yennefer, who was second in command, led the troops of mages to victory. But it was all up to one person,
"What's our next move.."
"The castle.." Adina responded, still entangled with Clarion, who had just as many cuts and bruises on his body as the knight before him.
"Tell me.. how do you plan to kill me this time.." Clarion asked. Pulling her blade closer to his neck, she could feel his heartbeat racing and hear every thought that he had. "You aren't good enough.."
"You're not worthy .."
"You're unwanted.."
"You're a burden.."
Those were the many taunts he thought of because he knew those were the same words he'd always tell her. Those simple phrases had practically ruled over her life. "I should have killed you at birth.."

"It's been a while since I've been here.." Tithuba sighed, riding through on the battlegrounds that Abbinshire had turned into, but Tithbua knew the dangers that were present around her. Fallen foes pulled around the hooves of their horses. But she could still feel the victors that surrounded her by body, spirit, and telepathy.
"Yennefer, can you hear me.."
"Tithuba, we need your help.."
"Where are you.."
"Nearing the kingdom.."
Tithuba looked at Geralt, who had already gotten in a few swings on his sword. With the practice on a few monsters, Geralt guessed a bit of a bloody uproar wouldn't hurt,
"You find the princess, and I'll-"
"Adina told me not to leave you.." he glared at her Geralt wasn't one to break promises, and he wasn't one who enjoyed losing things that he cared about, even if it meant masking his emotions when he did.
"Geralt, I command you!" Tithuba growled, "The last witcher who didn't head my orders nearly died.." she stared into his soul much like a mother does. "Now you will leave me to duties and find her!" her tone harsh as she rode off on her midnight black horse. Roach raced in the wind of the woods, her hooves never stopping until she stepped on a branch. There were arrows nearly grazing him from left and right. The sound of elvish chants rang in his ear. " Shit.." he took his sword, ready to kill anything that would soon cross his path.
"I'd advise you to drop the dagger if you want to live.."
"Drop your sword then.." The redheaded elf said, covered in deep blue and silver armor. "I don't think I will.." he smirked, pressing the blade to her shoulder.
"Geralt.." a familiar voice said, but in a much deeper tone.
"Flora, do you know him.."
"He's a friend of humanity .." she smirked, " Follow me, Roach.." she began to pet him.
"Don't do that.."

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