Troubled Path's

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"Sometimes... Geralt, I want to be numb.." Tithuba smiled, her lips curled onto her cup of burnt herbal tea. "Other times, I wish I were normal.." she laughed. Her hands' on top of the witchers,
Tithuba had been bedridden by Geralt, who had taken the liberty of keeping not only the future queen but her daughter safe as well. " Do you ever wish.. you were normal.." she asked, looking up to amber eyes. Geralt had always thought about what he'd be doing if he wasn't a witcher. Would he have been learning about his powers given to him by his mother or perhaps a farmhand, no instead: he thought of one answer. The same one he had when he was 5.
"I used to wish to be a knight.." he sighed, "Stupid, right.."
"Well, you would have had Adina as your captain..." she joked. Tithuba then watched as tears welled up in his eyes. It wasn't likely for a witcher to cry, but she figured it as her motherly duties to instigate. "Geralt.. what's wrong.." she began to take a look at him. Geralt couldn't understand how so many people could be so cold towards him, but yet she was warm. "It's nothing.." he brushed it off like he usually did. "There are tears in your eyes.." she mumbled, watching him wipe them away. A small laugh had left her lips, and Geralt had nearly broken down. It was of a laugh he hadn't known too well, the one of a mother.
You're going to leave too, aren't you! " Geralt pushed her hand away.
"What are you on about!" Tithuba growled,
"Just like my mother left me.. you'll do it too!" hot tears streamed down his face, as well as Tithuba's: she could hear the small crack in his voice. The one that made him sound so fragile. Placing her gentle hands on his cheeks, she wiped away his tears.
"Visenna wasn't ready for a child as wonderful as you.." she slid over on her bed, leaving a spot for Geralt.
"All those nights... I sat there, becoming a monster. I wondered would she come back for me." He laid next to her, pouring every ounce of hurt onto her.
"Geralt of Rivia.. you are not a monster, and I won't have you say such things!" she began to grit her teeth at whoever had told him that in the past.
"Do you know what they do to us!" this time, his voice hoarse.
"The trials.." Tithuba remembered Vesemir telling her about them and how every time he would, she could see the pain in his eyes. Although she never understood why someone would do such a thing. Geralt looked up at the witch, thin white hairs appearing in her roots. She was getting older, but she was still as graceful as any mother could be. "You know about the trials..." Tithuba nodded,
"Vesemir would tell me about them during our days in Kaer Morhen." she swooned, " I would come from Lryia to visit in the winter." her heart beating fast as she talked, "We'd go to the woods talk.. make lo-'' she then looked at the confused witcher.
"Vesemir... fucked.."
"Yes, Geralt.." she plucked him in the ear, " Watch your damn language."

Adina was sitting in her mother's war room, looking at the megascopes. She had remembered her father using one to connect to the brotherhood of sorcerers. The only problem was Adina didn't know how to get it to work. Looking for notes that her mother left behind, she could find any traces of anything. "This is stupid.." she said in elvish, a language she had learned when she was around Flora.
"I heard that.."
"Who's there.." Adina asked.
"Wow.. you don't know how to use this, do you.." stepping closer, Adina had seen what appeared to be a mage on the other side. "You look like Tithuba.." she smirked, sitting in what seemed to be a type of shop. "How do you know my mother.." Adina sassed, looking at the beautiful black hair framing her face. "Everyone in the brotherhood knows.. wait, daughter?" she then mumbled, "She never said anything about you .." the mage questioned, gathering up ingredients. From what she saw, she was beautiful with muscled arms, possibly a knight of some sort.
"To introduce myself, I'm Yennefer.."
"Adina.." She gasped: she had heard a few tales about Yennefer but nothing comparing her beauty to her power. "I need your help: witch hunters are taking siege of Abbinshire and.."
"You need the brotherhood's help .." she laughed, " I don't think I can.."
"If you don't do it for Tithuba, do it for the value of coin.." Yennefer noticed the pain in her voice: to hear the woman go from a knight to diplomacy did something to Yennefer. " Fine, but just this once... Aretuza before sundown, I trust you know how to teleport." and with those last words, the megascope had been over.

Wearing her golden dragon scaled dress and her mother's crown of garnet, she had only one thing on her mind. To save Abbinshire, not as a princess, not as a knight but as Adina of Abbinshire. Heading towards her noble steed, she turned to see the only other person who mattered to her.
" Did you forget your potions... " Geralt smirked,
"I don't believe so why."
"In case I have to save your royal ass when you come back." Adina laughed as she rolled her eyes, "Very clever, Geralt." she pushed him, still cautious of her shoulder. "Keep an eye on her.." she motioned to her mother, who was watching from the windows. "And remind me to tell Triss you said hello?" she smirked, watching how red Geralt's face had gotten.
"Fuck you.." he laughed,
"When I get back and win, Reviucto Infecigeo!" she shouted as a portal opened to the island that was Thanedd. "Stay here until I get back, buttercup," Adina whispered to her horse. Walking in the castle, she had passed many students, those promised to be powerful mages much like the ones before them. Walking down to where all the sorcerers were meeting, she had noticed the odd stares she had gotten from them.
"They're all but a bunch of kiss arses." Yennefer took her by the hand. Adina blushed,
"I.. I.. heard.." she gulped,
"Not much of a talker, are you.."
"Not when I'm in the sight of beautiful things.." She began following her to the war room: seeing all of the many mages from every kingdom made her feel just like her father.
Adina was in control of the kingdom's fate, and she knew what she was doing it for; to bring Abbinshire to its rightful ruler. "I saw we leave Abbinshire to go to shit.." Abelard shrugged. A few other mages began to discuss his decision until they heard the voice of Yennefer.
"And if we do that.. the magic trade between our kingdoms .. will break apart.."
"How did you get so wise all of a sudden.." the room went quiet,
"Yennefer is right: My kingdom has been one of man to serve such a purpose to you all.." Adina said, stepping further into the room. "But it has also gone to shite by the wrong hands... With the death of the king, he's raised an army to destroy something he has feared.." her head held high as she watched all the esteemed naysayers kept their eye on the young woman.
" Us.."
"Excuse me, but who are you..." a woman who Adina assumed was Triss asked: looking at her, she started to think Geralt had a type. A bit shorter than him, curly-haired, and would possibly kill him if needed to be.
"Adina Princess of Abbinshire, Knight of the flame.. and Daughter to the last pure dragon mage Tithuba.." her eye's retracting into the ones of a dragon.
"And you are.." she asked back, a charming smile much like her mother's.
"Triss Merigold.."
"Geralt sends his hello to you," she smirked as she then placed her finger on the map. Triss blinked as she then looked at Yennefer.
"We can't just fight this war with mages: it's unheard of it!"
"I Never said we were. There is aid from the kingdom of Anore and the warriors of the blue mountain clan." She then looked at Trissaia, "I only ask of you all to restore the good of the kingdom together.. "
"And what's the price.." Stregobor asked.
"Whatever your heart's desire," Adina said, the sound of desperation in her voice. Adina could feel that this was her destiny to lead,
But it was the fate of kings in her hands.

"I think I'm in love with her.." Geralt said, sitting between Roach and Nightshade: both of the horses looked at him as they shook their heads. "She's only been gone for a day, and I miss her witty comments.." he grumbled, feeding them both. Tithuba had left him to care for the stables since she knew that since Mayday would be arriving. That everyone would want somewhere cozy to get their dresses green.
"No, Roach, we aren't going," he grumbled.
"Because Nightshade, I understand Buttercup is your son ..." he sighed, "This isn't about either of you two, it's about me-" his eyes resembling a wolf.
"Is everything okay in there.." Tithuba asked, watching as a horse scented Geralt got slapped between two tails of the horses.
"I'm fine, I .. how much did you hear.."
"Everything up to you about to pounce on my horse." Tithuba laughed, petting Nightshade.
"Confessing you love my daughter Adina.. " she laughed, "Cleary, you don't remember that two of you played together when you were little." she smiled, watching at how confused Geralt was.
"This ring a bell.."

"You should be the princess!" a small boy with auburn curls said, running around with a wooden sword. Tackling him down to the ground was a neat braid of black hair. " It's because I'm a girl isn't it.." Adina growled, taking the sword away from him.
"No, it's because you're a princess!"
"I am no princess!" she said, moving her cape dramatically,
"Are too!
"Are not!
"Are too!
"Your horse is dumb!" Adina stuck her tongue out at him.

"Roach is not dumb.. she's just different.." Geralt mumbled, watching as the illusions of the two kids faded away slowly, much like how his memory of those moments did,
"You don't find love, it finds you, and it has a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what's written in the stars."
"What are you saying.." He looked at Tithuba, "Go after the woman I love.."
"And here I thought I was the kooky witch in a cottage.."

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