The Heat Of It All

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The two other witchers still staring at Geralt and Adina had soon gotten an idea, a game of some sort that Lambert learned from an Oxenfurt man. But the one rule to the game was that you only took a shot when the question applied to you. "I don't think a princess such as yourself would want in on this.." Lambert smirked, nearly downing a stein of Ale. "I think I'll go first.." Adina smirked, her bottle of vodka already to her lips. Geralt only sighed as he walked over towards the table sitting next to Lambert.
"I've never had a threesome with a doppler and a mage!" Adina smirked, taking her sip of vodka. Watching around her, she had noticed Eskel, who picked up his glass along with her.
"I stand corrected.." Lambert looked at Geralt, who only shrugged. He then cleared his throat as he tried to think of a question. " I've never slept with a succubus .." the table got quiet, and the whole table except for Lambert took a nice swig. " How bout that, expected Geralt might've but you!" he looked at Eskel in complete shock. Adina only took it as he must've been the innocent one out of the batch.
" I'm a sucker for women with horns," Eskel admitted, watching both Adina and Geralt laugh.
"What's your excuse, Adina."
"War and women go hand in hand." she then looked at Geralt, who shook his head at the knight airing out her dirty laundry that he didn't even know.
"Alright.. my turn... " Eskel smirked, "I never after a bender, woken up wearing nothing but my knickers."
Both Lambert and Geralt took a drink. Adina only merely cackling like a hyena.
"And all those times I thought you just slept naked.." she laughed. Geralt only rolled his eyes as the pain that Adina caused was slowly melting away from every sip.
"What would papa Vesemir say," Eskel questioned his speech a bit slurred,
"Think papa Vesemir, would'a drank that round too..." Geralt smirked back at Eskel, a bit of tension between the two wolf witchers. "Quit yer blabbering an go!"Adina interjected, watching the two stare at each other.
"I've never jumped out of a lover's window." Geralt laughed, watching as he looked at Lambert drink and then back at Adina. Adina had seemed to have been having a grand time, but he still saw something that said differently. "My turn ..." Adina laughed, watching the candle flicker amongst Geralt's face. She didn't know if it was the vodka, Ale mix in her cup, or her small amount of consciousness, but she had never been so attracted to Geralt as she was now. "Let's end on that, or else I'll never be able to look you all in the eyes again.." he turned to see honey orange eyes looking nearly drunk in his direction.
"There's nothing you've done that I haven't done worse.." Adina had then slurred, "Lambert, another ounce of ale!" she cheered, halfway sitting up. The keep had reminded her almost, like her childhood tower. Except for a bit warmer of an atmosphere with the wolve's. A few tables were surrounding them, and a few beds possibly enough to hold the three witchers for when they returned. " I want to hear more," Eskel said, grinning a bit at the two: waiting on Lambert felt as if it took forever, which caused Eskel to meddle a bit in Geralt's life, being that he brought a knight home. Or more so, she followed him like a lost cat. "So why a knight... If you don't mind me asking?" Adina perked up at the question while Geralt only groaned, mostly due to the fact he hadn't thought to ask her.
"You really wanna know.." she asked, propping herself up. "I wanted an escape from the life I was living.." she sighed. Adina knew that what she had to say would sound stupid and a bit daft, but it was about time she'd let her final self shine through. "What life was that.." Geralt asked, getting a bit invested in what she had to say. Adina only nudged him as she laughed,
"Being a princess.."
"A princess?" Eskel looked at Geralt.
"Yes.. now can I finish talking.." she asked, drinking out of Geralt's glass. Both witchers only nodded as they stopped talking. "I wasn't just a princess: I was a child of surprise.. and.." Adina started remembering how many times she had gotten hit on or forced to stay in the towers that still reeked of dead things when she thought about them. She could feel the stinging mark on her back still left by Clarion just as she could still smell the flesh from within her nostrils.
"The king my birth father loved reminding me just how much a royal fuck up I was.. " she began laughing to hide her pain. "I ran away when I was 13 .. got slapped around training to be a knight.. left again never looked back, and I found this big oaf." she poked Geralt, watching as he cracked a smile. Too drunk to try to be mean towards Adina, he only pulled her close, feeling sorry for her. Hearing her talk about her left only made him question at times how she could still be so kind.
"I see you cozied up with Wolf over there," Lambert smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Well.. what can I say: he's warm," she smirked, scratching behind his ear. The get together was then stopped as they heard the footsteps of Vesemir. Almost like thunder, the keep was silent with a collective.
"Oh, shit.."
"To bed all of you!" Vesemir said as if his wolves had awoken him. The three wolves slept in their beds in the keep, All except for Geralt. Who fell out of his bed and asleep on the floor. Adina, who had been in what she assumed was a guest room tower, snuggled up into the fur with nothing much but the moonlight to radiate it. "It's just you and me .." she sighed. Tossing and turning throughout the night as she had done when she was sleeping during her nights in battle. Adina knew what had gotten into her: but didn't want to admit it. It was the warmth of having Geralt beside her.
"Psst... Geralt, are you sleep.." Eskel tapped him with his foot.
"No, I'm slowly trying to die in peace.." he sassed, looking up seeing the other Witcher, the soft lighting highlighting his scratches. The truth of the matter was Geralt had not been asleep. He was closing his eyes hoping that instead, he would drift away. "Why.. what's going on.." Geralt asked. Eskel and Geralt had always been close like brothers though some would argue even like lovers. They knew each other well enough to read each other. " I could ask you the same thing.." he smirked, crouching down to the white wolf's level.
"It's her, isn't it..."
"Her who.."
"The princess.. you grew attached, and now you can't sleep without her, eh," he smirked, watching Geralt's expression changed from his usual scowl to a softer look. It was true that Geralt, who usually had no problem sleeping alone, was having problems sleeping alone.
"I spent months without her.."
"And how was that going for ya.. "
Suddenly Geralt's ears had perked up, picking up on the sound of Adina panting. Knowing that something wasn't right, he took to the spiraled stairs and towards the tower Adina was staying in: Sitting there with sweaty, matted hair was Adina, her eyes bloodshot orange. Since the wars and her small missions, she had been accumulating night terrors, except they were never about what she experienced,
But instead of her father, "He's going find me.. and kill... her..." Adina had said, her eyes fixed on Geralt, who was trying to decipher what she was clambering on about,
"What the hell are you talking about.."
"I'm talking about my father!" she turned her back to him. Geralt only sighed as he got under the fur and pulled her close. He wasn't always good at comforting, but he knew that silence had always been golden for the two.
"Your father's a dick... " Geralt began to think of what to say. "With balls!"
Adina had only laughed, knowing that was the only thing he could think to say. "He's a .. a .. limp dick noodle!" she then began to join in, laughing at the fact that her taunting wasn't much better. "But you.. you are perfect.." she turned to kiss his nose. Geralt had only turned brighter than his already drunken cheeks.
"You.. you don't mean that.."
"Drunk men tell ye no tale.." she glanced at him.
"Well.. this drunk man's going to sleep before he says somethin.. he regre-"
"Like what.." Adina turned to face him. Her eye's wanting him to say more than what he led off. "Go to bed.." he wrapped his arm across her waist, something that he hadn't done in a while.

"Watch your foot placement, Geralt.." Vesemir grumbled. Training wasn't an uncommon practice during the winter months at Kaer Morhen. It was just unusual to have an outsider training along with them. "Adina, straighten your back." he watched the two spar. To say that Adina was good was an unsatisfying and underestimated statement: Her swordsmanship seemed beyond human almost, even for the usual knight. He just hoped her hand to hand combat was the same.
"Lambert, stop that at once!" Vesemir rushed over to the two. Being surrounded by shirtless men didn't phase Adina, but being surrounded by a shirtless, sweaty Geralt was a bit more challenging. Grabbing his fist, she only gave him a look that meant she was ready for whatever he chose to throw first. Dodging his first punch, she took her hand to hit in his side, feeling a bit victorious. Jabbing at him with her fist getting him a bit bloody, Geralt took his sword. Lunging towards her, he knew that she would have a disadvantage. "You think you're sneaky White wolf.." she mumbled. Taking back her sword, she got into a combat stance, ready to plunge into him.
"I bet you a few coins... Wolf's gonna win.." Eskel smirked.
"My bets on the knight kicks Geralt's ass." Lambert winked. The two kept watching the fight, both opponents a bit bloody. Geralt's lips curled into that of a cocky smile, sharp canine teeth, and a few hairs coming out from his ponytail.
"Having a hard time focusing.."
"You wish.." she pushed him away. Suddenly she felt his strong hands wrapped around her neck, not too tight to kill her. But strong enough to send his message across. Adina only bit her lip, watching as he came closer.
"My.. my Geralt, at least take me out for a drink first! "
Adina had now been hovering over Geralt, who she had the joy of pinning him down to the ground. Sweet victory, she would have called it.
"I believe I won, Mr. wolf..." she took the tip of her sword under his chin. Straddling him the way that she was, she could tell it wouldn't be her last time.
"Whatever.." Geralt rolled his eyes, seeing Eskel pay up on what he knew was a bet with Lambert.
"Oh, and one more thing."
"What now.." he looked over at her.
"Next time, add more pressure and take me from behind won'tcha," she smirked, removing herself off Geralt. He could smell the scent of need radiating off of her. Nothing that a wolf couldn't fix.
Later that night, the four gathered around the table to some drinking and another round of I've never.

"I've never fucked a demon!" Lambert said both Eskel and Geralt had their steins still on the table. Adina knocked her stein back, taking a sip.
"Why.. not that I'm judging, but why.."
"He was hot. I was 16 and curious." Adina then turned to Eskel, "Your turn!" she giggled, this time holding her mead, wine, and vodka a bit better.
"Never ave I.. ever slept with Geralt!" Eskel took a sip of his drink as Lambert was shocked that Adina didn't. "Wait... Wait.. you've never."
"I have never slept with the acclaimed almighty sex witcher Geralt." Adina gave him a smirk.
"But a succubus, a mage, doppler, a few women in a brothel, and a prince, but not Geralt!"
"He never asked.."
"Neither did you.."

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