A Knight's Lust

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"Expecting someone else... Adina asked, discarding what was Geralt's old shirt behind the dressing divider. Geralt only laughed, his fondest memories following along with that shirt. "I was expecting you to explain what you meant.." he said, standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. "You're smart: figure it out.." she peered her head out from behind the fabric.
"Would it kill you to be direct.."
"Would it kill you to knock.." Adina suggested stepping out in her gown. The moon was highlighting her skin ever so softly. And Geralt for once had felt as if he'd be bewitched. "Were you waiting for me to ask.." Geralt mumbled: a bit embarrassed that the sight and smell of her were nearly bringing him to his knees. "It would have been the right thing to do.." she laughed, her curls still wild on her head, just as they did when they were longer. "Why's that.."
"I assumed everyone else asked for their turn with the witcher.." she got closer to him, "Why not the witcher ask me.." Adina whispered in his ear, her body pressed against Geralt's. She could feel his heart nearly pounding in his chest and his eyes aglow with lust.
"Ask you.. after what you said.."
"And what did I say, Bellegarde.." pinning him down to the wall,
"Something about how a princess and a dumb mutant.." he grabbed her by the waist,
placing her where he once stood, he had begun to smell the sensation of her pooling need for him that was arising.
"I've changed since then, Geralt.." her eyes focused on lips.
"Like this.." Pulling him by the folds of his shirt. Adina latched her lips to his, bodies pressed against each other like the waves to the sand. The kiss between them had spoken far more words than they did collectively together. Hiking up her nightgown, Geralt couldn't help but feel the need to take her right there against the wall. Pressing his fingers to her wanting folds, Everyone who had ever been with Geralt would tell you he was a tease, but Adina didn't think that meant teasingly slow. Whimper at the rough touch he had, she wanted more: she wanted him. "Geralt Plea-" her plea for more was cut off. To the feeling of Geralt's tongue mapping, it's way across the wet wanting bud. Hands tangling into snow-white strands, Adina was already getting closer, her head against the cold stone walls. And the face that Geralt always knew too well.
"And to think you were with a succubus .."
"Shut up.." Adina growled, pushing Geralt to the bed, straddling him just like she did before when he accepted sweet defeat. Loving the view she had under her, Adina knew that she had to pay him back for the simple teasing he caused her. Rubbing against Geralt's bulge, she could feel the Witcher twitch under him.
"Coming undone already.." she nibbled on his ear, hearing his grunts and mews. To think that she had a wolf cowering like a puppy.
"Fuck you.."
"I've been waiting on you to!" she bit her lip, adjusting to his length. Her eye's nearly seeing double while Geralt only had his usual shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Meanwhile, down in the keeps, Lambert and Eskel were getting enjoyably drunk and playing Gwent.
"So you and Adien.."
"So you and any brothel you can get your hands on.."
"Touche.." Eskel smirked, putting down his card that had Vesemir on it. Spring was approaching fast, which usually meant they went back on their paths hunted monsters. And would return yet again another winter which always made them feel like birds but backwards on the migration pattern.
"Did you hear something.."
"Probably Geralt.."
The feeling of Geralt's hand embrace her neck made Adina go wild. As his hips nearly pounded into the knight, he knew there wasn't anyone else he would want to do so roughly but the princess in front of him. " Harder!" she mused and moaned, feeling the witcher pulling on her curls. Adina was in a state of euphoria. Hearing the sound of their skin slapping together and their sweat colliding, she didn't want it to end.
"Oh Fuck.. Oh, Gods, Geralt!" her voice cracked as her walls tightened around his length, nearly milking him dry as he filled her up, making her full and whole of just him. "Was that more than you imagined it to be.." Geralt asked, a genuine look of joy on his face.
"Beats those nights alone when I wished you were there.." she turned to look at him, placing a sloppy kiss by the corner of his swollen lips that still lingered with her sweet taste. Their breathing was in-synced, eyes focused on each other. When the morning came, Geralt was right next to her. Bodies entangled in each other while their clothes laid askew across the floor.
"Oi Dina... Have you seen pretty boy mcshitface!" Lambert nearly shouted from outside her door. Adina grumbled, noticing from the shadow of the sun that they had slept past the morning. Something they barely got to do.
"Well, I.." she began to answer, feeling the weight of the bed shift.
"Fuck off, Lambert.." Geralt growled, poking his head out the door. Lambert only looked at Adina then back at Geralt as he smirked. "You lucky bastard.."

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