A New Hero (Bonus Chapter)

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"Money is a terrifying thin inn't.." Vitma laughed, his dark hair radiating in the sun."And yet you still fuck for it.." Marigold laughed, her lute in hand, as she sat outside the brothel. Putrid Grove was where anyone could be whatever they wanted, a criminal, a thief, a performer. A hole in the wall village where the stench of shit stayed, but a place where the rich rotted and dreamers flourished. "You'd be out ere too if you weren't a lucky. " Marigold covered his mouth, "Don't you dare utter my last name, you whore.." she joked, "Although I technically am one myself.. blame it on my father's dashing looks." the 17-year-old bard smirked. Her luscious curls against the walls of her best friend's room. Marigold had always enjoyed coming to Putrid Grove more than being at Oxenfurt, where her father Jaskier would ramble on and on about the miraculous wonders of music, language, and history, things that he would already talk about when they were home or when she attended court with her parents, Vitma only slumped next to her as he fiddled around for his ring. He remembered stealing it from a needy dutchess when she had pondered into the area, unaware how she got in. "Aye, you got a customer... " Will peaked his head inside the room, William didn't exactly own the brothel, but he ran it when Heray wasn't there, which was almost every day. William was a playwright, or at least it was what he told himself. Being that just like Vitma, he was a child of the streets: he'd never be able to afford Oxenfurt college, so he instead stole books that Goldi (Marigold) would let him borrow. "Get out of here, bard.." William smirked,"Well, who spat on your honey cakes.." "Very funny, Goldi.." "Hey, don't get so angry.. perhaps for the right amount, I could be your honey cake." Vitma teased: walking towards William: he placed his arms around his waist. "Sh-Shut up.." as usual: the two would have their arguments, and Marigold would usually be out of their hair. Dangling from out the window and into the arms of Celia, who was somehow a future ruler of Posada,Her blonde curls entangled into a braid, her dress was just about as new as any she'd ever seen. "Lady Pankratz ... what are you doing here...""Pretend you neva saw me, love!" she pecked her on the lips: as she began to run from out from the brothel, she felt eyes watching her. "Where does this lead.." "Nowhere good.." Garnet eyes following the bard. "And how would you know.." "I came from here.." Claudia laughed: Claudia was a mage, no question about it, she had chaos so powerful it would make the sea's tremble before her: See Claudia was born with her gifts, which her family called a curse, and since it was a bit harder to find mage's, she had planned to find the strongest one she knew, and that was Yennefer. As she kept her eyes on Marigold, the mage knew that her world would be changing soon: but Marigold didn't know it yet. Walking back into the village, Marigold kept her head hung low and her spirits high. Which usually meant that she was in the tavern singing for a few coin and crown. Being a bard, it seemed: was something in her blood. Although she would refuse the calling from time to time, there was one girl: however, she'd follow to the ends of the earth for as her bard. Playing a game of Gwent was "Ciri.." Marigold said, her eyes focused on the toned up monster hunter. Ciri wasn't little anymore, but neither was she. Her blonde almost white in the moon: and her skin though a bit, scarred was still beautiful. "Marigold.." Ciri looked over, an expression similar to Geralt's with the demeanor of Adina. Ciri could only smile, taking in the sight of her good friend, in bite marks and bruises, but she knew the young noblewoman wouldn't change a thing. "What're you doing in Novigrad..""I could ask you that myself..." Ciri looked at her: she smelled of Putrid Grove, which gave Ciri enough evidence to know what was going on. Placing her card down, which was of Lambert, she took her share of coins and grabbed the bard by her arms. "Don't tell my parents.. Ciri.." "Only if you don't tell mine what I'm doing.." Ciri was on a "contract" to find a few witchers: however, Being that both Geralt and Adina told her it could be: dangerous, she still had to know if there were more than just Eskel and Lambert. "Fine... But I demand I come with you.." she smirked, leaning closer towards the monster slayer: she could almost feel her breath on her lips and the beautiful look of green eyes reflecting in her own. Marigold had crushes on many people, but what she had for Ciri wasn't a crush. "And if you die.." Ciri laughed,"I'd die by the woman I love.." "Dramatic, just like your parents."

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