Winding Roads

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"And where do you think you two are going.." Flora asked: it had been early morning when she heard the creaking of footsteps and the sounds of two young girls giggling. Both Marigold and Ciri had paused in their tracks. Tarts dangling from their mouths, Flora knew that they had just made a trip to the kitchen and was ashamed that they hadn't even thought to bring her back anything.

"We went for a stroll.."

"Yeah.. a stroll." Marigold blushed, dirt on their dresses and sword wounds on both their skin.

"You're just about a good of a liar as your father.." Flora laughed. Marigold, who hadn't exactly lived in the castle always, tended to show up. She considered it as supporting her mother, who was there as a second teacher of sorts.

"That is not true.." Jaskier grumbled, "I have you know I am an excellent liar." he winked.

"What's Geralt like.." Ciri asked, knowing that she was a child of surprise she had been waiting patiently to meet this so-called destiny that was Geralt. Jaskier and Flora had only smiled as they sat her down alongside Marigold.

" Well, he's a bit of a grumpy fellow at times.. "

"But he has his moments where he can be kind .."

"Don't move yet, not ready.." Geralt grumbled, sleep still in his voice.

"That's not me.." Adina mused back, her body pressed against the witcher. The two had been in a field of dandelions. Covered by a blanket and awoken by, "Buttercup cut it out.." Geralt groaned, swatting at the horse's silky white mane. Meanwhile, Roach took it upon herself to snag at the blanket. Adina only shivered as she cuddled closer to Geralt. "Hair.. in my... mouth.." His groggy eyes opening as Adina only pushed him over, "Close it.." she suggested wanting to get yet another minute in. Their night together had been something completely different. More intense than their times at Kaer Morhen, but then again, this was something different. Feeling soft manes of their horses, they knew it was time for their journey to continue.

"Alright, alright, we're up, boy." Adina sighed, detaching herself off of Geralt. Picking up her clothes and heading straight behind a waterfall, one that she had visited many times in her rides back home after fighting a good war. Adina smiled, feeling the rushing waters against her battled scarred back. Humming a melody that she remembered Flora used to sing her to sleep with, Adina hadn't noticed that she began to sing.

Come again! sweet love doth now invite

Thy graces that refrain

To do me due delight,

To see, to hear, to touch, to kiss, to die,

With thee again in sweetest sympathy.

Following the melodic sound of singing, it had surprised Geralt. One because he knew Adina didn't exactly sing, and if she did, why'd she hide it for so long. Walking Roach to the waterfall, he noticed Buttercup, who had been graciously drinking from it. As he looked up, he had then caught the sight of Adina.

"Stay here, Roach.."

"Gentle love, draw forth thy wounding dart." Adina began to sing after she had then heard Geralt, which caused her to stop. Adina hadn't sung, mostly due to her father. When she was little, she had remembered her mother singing to her as well as the years training and harp practicing,

"Why'd you stop.."

"Stop what.."

"The singing.. " he asked, watching as she turned to him, the sunlight on her skin much like a siren before they turn into their monstrous selves. "It was beautiful.." he watched as she dried off. Handing her shirt: he had begun to learn that she was a woman of surprises, although it was something that he already knew. It still wowed him. "Then I'll be sure to do it more." she laughed, tying her pants.

Marigold sighed, walking in the forest with Ciri snow almost soon to cover the ground. It had been a couple of months now with a war going on: and death nearing: the only thing Ciri wanted to do was be somewhere safe. "Are you sure this is where destiny is leading you.." Marigold then asked, watching as Ciri ran towards the center of the forest. Geralt, who had ventured out to the woods, Geralt had been bloodied, bruised, and stitched. Breaking out of a cell wasn't easy, especially when your betrothed is fighting on the front lines fighting. Limping through the forest, he had just wanted to find this so-called child, running towards him with a young girl who seemed to take off at the speed of a wolf. When she landed into the impact of Geralt's arms, she knew that she was home and that her fate led her right to her destiny.

"I knew you'd find me eventually .." she hugged Geralt, her feet dangling a bit in his warm tight hug. Geralt had never really been as much as hit with children, but there was something that took over when he held Ciri in his arms. A feeling that meant he would never let her go, just like he would never let,

"Who's Adina.." Geralt looked at her, as he blinked,

"I'll tell you on the way to her."

The snow was falling as a sleeping Ciri road ontop of Roach with Geralt. Adina, on his left side, in front of them, was Kaer Morhen.

"So did you manage to tell them about."

"Surprises can be good sometimes.." Geralt looked over at Adina, who still had her sparkling gold ring on her finger. Lambert and Eskel, as usual, were sitting around in the keep telling stories and bursting into small arguments until they heard the familiar voice of,

"Would you two beautiful idiots keep it down: you'll wake her!" Adina whispered shouted: the witchers had only looked at the couple a bit shocked,

"How in the hell did you two have a child.. are two idiots even!"

"Child of surprise.." Geralt answered.

"Engaged... " Adina smirked, showing him the ring,

"So they're just lettin anyone have a child eh,.." Lambert smirked, his usual expression that he did when he thought of something snarky to say.

"Lambert, behave.." Eskel groaned.

"Sometimes I just wished you perished.." Adina growled, looking at Lambert as she handed Ciri to Geralt Adina wasn't one to start a fight and not finish it, and neither was Lambert, who she tended to fight like a little brother she never had. Grabbing him by his shirt and roughing up his hair, she began to enjoy watching him struggle.

"I've missed you.. ya, short bitchy bastard.." Adina laughed.

"I'm not short!" Lambert broke out of her grasp.

"Are too!"

"I fucking am no-"

The thunderous and graceful sounds of footsteps began to sound around the keep while Adina kept fighting, "Cut it out, they're coming.." Eskel whispered as Geralt only pointed to Ciri.

"I don't care! I have to beat him!"

"Adina Avia Lioni of Abbinshire, you drop him, this instant," Tithuba shouted, standing next to Vesemir, who she had been visiting now and then. As the evening passed into night, Adina snuck by the room in which Ciri was sleeping in trying not to wake her,

"What are you doing up, little lion," Adina asked, watching green eyes stir into the night.

"I had a.."

"Nightmare... " Adina noticed how she was trembling a bit, remembering when she used to get them too.

"Well, I'll sing you a song."

"You will," Ciri asked, watching as Adina tucked her under the covers. She could still feel the warmth of a mother radiating through Adina. As her eyes began to close, she had then: planned her epic escape to go down to the keep.

Standing by the doorframe, Geralt had looked as if he had just seen the moon kiss the brightest star. He had always enjoyed her softer side when she wasn't the knight of the flame: but was just Adina, the woman after his heart.

"You amaze me, you know.."

"I'd hope I do if you're marrying me." she laughed, taking his hand as the two walked down the spiral staircase. Lambert and Eskel were already drunk and nearly slumped over.

"You know, I wonder what Ciri's going to be like when she's older.." Adina smirked,

"Something great." 

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