Breath Of Courage

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"But what is power..."
"Loyalty." living in a cottage in the outskirts of Vizima was a witch so powerful that even other magic welders flocked to her for a piece of advice. Sitting at her desk full of potions, books, and a topaz dragon eye was the almighty Tithuba. "The people of Rinde want their freedom to gain their loyalty, grant it to them." the witch said to the black-haired mage standing in front of her.
"Can I ask you a question.."
"What's something you've been loyal to."

"But we're starving!" both Flora and Jaskier grumbled that Adina and Geralt had stopped to take hold of a contract. Something about a gorgon hiding in the lakes of Cintra, "We'll stop by a tavern after the gorgon." Geralt looked back at the two, a bit annoyed by their commotion. They were like two whiny children who just so happened to be entertaining.
"Or you could take these coins and be on your merry way," Adina smirked, throwing a bag at them. Flora opened the bag seeing the glistening coins shimmer in the sun. It was enough for a feast and then some. Inside of the tavern was a long line of commotion, with villagers gathering around to get a good look at the kingdom of Anore's eligible heir Prince,
"Florian..." Jaskier gasped, hearing the rasp of his voice. The very last time he had mused over the tone of his voice was when Serleta, his mother, nearly banished him from the kingdom.
"You know him?" Adina asked, looking at the state of Jaskier. His deep blue eyes had dilated, and his knees nearly went weak. "You could say that.." he watched him. Florian, who was an elf, was adopted by the king due to him being sterile. Because of this, and the law of surprise, Florian came to be.
"Jaskier..." Florian whispered to himself. It had been centuries since he had last seen the bard, but yet standing there with some woman was the man who had his soul.
"What are you doing here in Cintra.." Florian asked.
"I could ask you the same.." Jaskier smirked, giving him the wink that Flora had loved so much to see.
"I'm meeting my betrothed Rayanetta..." the royal said, as his eyes then wandered to the blue and gold cloth wrapped around the waist of Flora. He had recognized the pattern before, something to with an elf clan that his mother once told him about;
Taking in his features, however, was Flora. Something about him made him feel familiar, and it wasn't his elf ears but his facial structure that reminded that of her face. He had the same dark maroon doe eyes.
"And you are?"
"Flora bard of the knight Adina... Lover of Jaskier." dripping off her tongue like the venom of Nogia, was the tone of jealousy. "Lover.. ay you move on quickly," he smirked. "Adina as in of Abbinshire.." he then asked his attention back on the woman in front of him. She nodded as she attended to her drink.
"What about it.."
"My true mother was from Abbinshire."

"Well, I'll be damned.." Adina smirked, looking up at Geralt.
"What's wrong?"
"All that blood looks good on you." she snickered, "Might even say it brings out your eyes.." Adina laughed, tossing her dress over her head while Geralt only looked away sheepishly. "Gods, Geralt, you and I were just in the bath the other night." she then turned to look at him, her honey skin turning a bit red from the sun beaming on her back, high lighting the scars that he now found so beautiful on her. "You're still a princess.." he said, watching her bask in the waters of the lake.
"With a bounty on my head!" she exclaimed, "There's a big difference." her light eyes focused on Geralt. Taking him by the hand, she had begun to caress the calloused skin of his fingers and the smooth sensation it gave her. She decided to pull a prank on the witcher, something that she had learned from Flora.
"Do you trust me.."
"You're still around, aren't you..." he looked down at the barely clothed woman.
"Yes, but do you trust me," she asked again, holding onto his arm.
"What are you up to," laughing her head off was Adina, who had swum faster than any siren to get away from the white wolf. "I'm going to kill you for that." Geralt laughed. He loved it when Adina would show him sides of her that she once used to tuck away so deep.
"Try to find which one is me first." she joked, as multiple versions of her fled the lake. Geralt swam to one as the magical illusion only disappeared around him. He then went to another like that one, had faded away. Adina could only laugh, watching the way his eyebrows quirk in concentration, feeling a pair of strong hands wrapped around her waist. Pressed against his chest, she could hear his slow melodic heartbeat that only made her feel more at home than anything else.
"You're perfect to me no matter what people say.." she said, looking up at him.
"Scars and all.." he asked, knowing that was many of the things that usually made people afraid of him.
"Scars, fangs, and the big scary horn myths." she giggled, noticing the red in his cheeks.
"Did Geralt of Rivia blush.."
"No.." he rolled his eyes, "Yes.." Geralt had loved the position they were in; It was soft and loving and gave him comfort. That was until a Bavel appeared swampy scales and a big tail.
"Playtimes over.." the two sighed, looking at each other. As the Bavel took Geralt out, Adina's eyes began to glow with a fiery orange resembling a dragon. Fire emerging from her hands, burning the monster to a crisp. She then ran to Geralt, her eyes still glowing orange. Fainting in his arms, Geralt covered her up in a blanket and road back into town.

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