𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚊 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍

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"What's up my lovely taekookies welcome back to another video, how are you guys doing today" tae greeted as he smile so beautifully at the camera

"So today I'm gonna be doing the I want a baby prank on my wonderful boyfriend, this is another requesting video from one of our subscribers" tae stated smilling

"So right now jungkookie is whipping it up in the kitchen" tae joked as he laugh softly

"He found this recipe on the internet and he decide cook after a million years of cooking something other ramen" tae scoffed

"Alright Let's go downstairs to see the food" the male said as he grab the camera from the tripod and walk his way toward the bedroom door.

Taehyung open the door to his and jungkook's room and went down the stairs to the kitchen to see jungkook who haven't notice him yet  shirtless and in a sweatpants hanging low on his waist his back facing taehyung and the camera.

"well damn I can get used to this" tae smirk as he switch the camera so you could only see his face

"hey babe whatchu making" tae spoke peaking over jungkook shoulder even though he's short he manage to stand on his tippie toes and startling  jungkook at process.

"oh god you scared me" jungkook shriek placing his hand over his racing chest

"Sorry" tae apologize and let out a little giggle

"I'm making kimchi fried rice" jungkook said as he moved aside to show taehyung and the camera the food that was cooking on the stove.

Tae switch the camera to show the kimchi fried rice that was cooking on the stove

"woooah that smells and look delicious" tae said still filming the food that was on the stove

" I know that why they call me chef jungkook the cook (sorry  this cracked me up for literally 8minutes straight cause  I saw a meme on it on tik tok) "  jungkook said making both himself and taehyung laughing hard.

" seriously" tae said between his laugh

After what literally feel like hours tae and jungkook finally stop laughing and decide to focus on the food and the camera

"sorry guys we got a little bit carried away there" tae said giggling

"Alright baby I'll be in the living room if you need me" tae informs pecking jungkook lips and jungkook hummed and while turning off the stove

Taehyung left the kitchen and went to the living and sitting on the couch

"Ok so guys I'm gonna set the camera up somewhere near the kitchen so you see us eating while I pull the prank on him" tae says in a whisper so jungkook can't hear him

Taehyung got up the from the couch and tiptoe toward the shelf beside the sink and set the camera which was behind jungkook who didn't notice because he was busy singing loudly while putting the food on the plate making it face the kitchen island and covering the camera with spices that was on the shelf

after he make sure the camera was well hidden and then he made his way to the kitchen island and sat down on one of the stools there.

"alright my beautiful baby here's the food my luv" jungkook said setting tae's bowl of kimchi fried rice in front of him

"alright my beautiful baby here's the food my luv" jungkook said setting tae's bowl of kimchi fried rice in front of him

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