𝙳𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚙 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜 𝙵𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚓𝚒

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"What'supppppp my lovely taekookies how are you guys doing today I hope you're feeling great!" an energetic Taehyung jabbers to the camera as he is  currently filming another video

"Ok guys I'm gonna be doing the wap dance to see how my boyfriend reacts, honestly I'm a dancer but I kinda don't know how to do this dance so that's why I have a guest here with meeeee today"

The young male sang excitedly turning the camera to a beautiful pale girl with short hair and bangs, the pretty female wave at the camera smiling showing her gummie smile.

"So guys this is Yoonji Jimin's girlfriend and jungkook's friend along with Yoongi and she's also my stepsister" Taehyung took a breath from all the explaining making Yoonji giggles at his cuteness

"oh! and if your wondering where jungkook is he's upstairs playing video games with Jimin" tae stated playfully rolling his eyes

Yoonji chuckled softly while shaking her head.

"Soooo should we start," she suggests

"Yes!!" Taehyung answers as you could hear the excitement in his voice

30mins later

Both siblings finish practicing the tutorial for the Wap dance and it's was finally time to get there boyfriends.

"damn that was hard" tae mumbled while catching his breath

he plops down on the couch along with yoonji

"Yeah it was a little complicated but we finally got it"
The female says as she gulp down the rest of her water bottle

"Should we go get them now?" tae ask

"Yeah" yoonji answered

The two made their way upstairs in taekook's
apartment with the camera in their hand and went to the gaming room they open the door to see their boyfriends sitting on the beanbags and screaming at the big flatscreen TV. they both giggled at there boyfriends silliness.

"Guys can you come downstairs me and tae did this dance and we want you to react to it please," yoonji begged dragging out the 'please'

The two guys turn toward tae and yoonji and replies with "sorry we are busy"

Since siblings don't take no as an answer they start making cute faces and puppy eyes until the two boys finally gave up.

"Yes!!" They both cheers giving each other high five with a Mischief smile

" Go downstairs and wait for us we will be down in a sec since we need to change," tae said to two boys

they needed to change because they were wearing both were wearing a dress

"Alright"jungkook obeys and left the room with jimin following closely behind

when the two guys left the room both siblings went to Taehyung and Jungkook's room to change.

when they were done changing they made their way downstairs and to see the boys on the couch on their phones.
"ok we are ready are you guys ready," tae said
Jungkook and jimin was shook because tae and yoonji are looking so pretty in their outfit

"Yeah we are," jimin answers


Yoonji pressed the button on the speaker and the song begin playing

(Doesn't matter whichever one you choose)

When both of them were done dancing for their boyfriends they smirk with the reaction they got.
Both Jungkook and Jimin were shook their mouths were wide open eyes are also wide and had a boner poking through their pants.

"So what do you guys think,"tae ask shyly

"You know what! cut the cameras I'm finna eat you out right now," jungkook said picking tae up and throwing him over his shoulder and going upstairs tae was laughing and softly punching jungkook's back.

"Same here you're about to get that Dick tonight baby girl " jimin whisper into yoonji's ear while picking her up. Yoonji yelp and hold on to jimin neck tightly but not so tightly to choke him.

"I'll see you, tomorrow kook, cause I got business to take care of right now," jimin yelled

"Alright same here bro" jungkook replied.

And that how the night ends with Taehyung getting his cheeks clapped till morning

The next morning

"Here is the outro for last nights video since I forgot to do it so thank you guys for watching today's video and I hope you enjoyed it make sure to like, comment and subscribe and don't forget to hit that post-notification bell so you get a notify whenever we upload another video and I'll see you guys in the next video byeee taekookies" tae said while waving at the camera.

I tried writing smut
but it didn't work

Have a nice day!

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