Shopping for our nursery room

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"What's up Taekookies, how are you lovelies doing today!" the couple beams at the camera

"I hope you guys are doing great"

"Anyway today's video is gonna be short a vlog, we are just gonna take you guys with us while we shop for our new nursery" Jungkook informed and Tae nods

"So let's go"

Jungkook started the car as they begin to drive to the nearest store that got baby things, which was Ashley home store while they talk to the camera.

About 20mins later they arrive at the store, they park the car and they both got out, but not without Jungkook helping his pregnant fiancé as his belly was to big for him.

"Good afternoon welcome to Ashley home store, how may I assist you today" the employee greets with a bright smile

"Hello, me and my fiancé are looking for where the baby cribs are" Jungkook spoke.

"Sure follow me" she smiled and guide them toward the sections with cribs and other baby furnitures were.

"Does any one of these suit your taste?" she ask smiling at the cute couples

"Princess which one do you prefer?"

"Um how about the dark oak brown one" Tae said pointing at the crib on the top shelf and the young employee wrote it down on the clipboard she was holding.

"Oh nice choice, that's one of my personal favorite" she said starting a small conversation with them.

"Yeah, I like the color of it"

"Anything else you'd like to see"

"Yeah we'd like to see the changing table dresser" Tae spoke up again

While Tae and the female employee went along to see the changing tables with Jungkook in the back recording.

"Is that all for you today" she ask as they were now in the front desk


"Ok so the total will be $1,736.83" Jungkook pulled out his credit card and paid

"Would you prefer delivery or pickup" she ask typing all the informations on the computer


"Ok, any designated time you'd be home to receive it"

"Yeah, Im free this Saturday, and anytime would be good"

"Alrighty you're all set, Thank you for purchasing at Ashley Home Store, have a good day" she said

"Thank you, bye"

"Alright guys we made it out the first store, on to the next one" Jungkook said

"Let's go to the mall koo" Tae suggested as they were pulling out the Ashley's parking lot.

The other nodded and drove to the mall that was too far away.

The couple exit the car and walked inside the big mall

After 2hrs of going in and out of different stores, Jungkook was tired but for some odd reasons Tae was energetic

"Koo let's go to this one" the other yelled

"Ugh" the male groans and carries all the bags inside
since he wouldn't let Tae carry any of them

Tae ran inside the store and talk to the workers and also looked at different baby clothes, and babbling at how adorable they looked

"Koo look this one says MOMMY'S LITTLE ROCKSTAR with stars scattered around it" he cheered shoving the clothing into the others face who chuckled at how adorable he looked.

"Yes love, I see"

"And look at this one—omg I'm so sorry" he apologize as he bump into the woman who was walking beside him with a child in her cart

"Watch where you going you, you almost made me crash into the shelves" she spat

"I'm so sorry about that, I didn't see you there" Taehyung tried to apologize again

"What are you supposed to be, a girl"

"What's all this, you people disgust me, you guys are the reasons parents can't raise their children anymore without them turning into one of you guys" she spat with disgust laced in her voice looking at Taehyung from head to toe.

To say the couples were taken back by her outburst

"You know what I would cuss your ass out, but since there's a child here I'm actually taught to not do that unlike you who've got no respect for people around you" Taehyung argued back and Jungkook holding him back from launching himself toward the woman

"You're lucky I'm pregnant or I would drag your old ass around this fucking floor"

"Fucking homophobic bitch" Taehyung stormed out the store feeling his anger rising up
Jungkook quickly went to the cash register and paid for the few things they got.

"Princess you ok" he ask still struggling with all the bags

"Yeah, can we go home I don't wanna shop anymore"

And just like that Jungkook just stopped the recording.

Without any outro or nothing, the only thing running on his mind right now was to make his princess relax, since he was angry and that's not good for their child.

Do y'all want a sequel of this book or sum, I feel like y'all need the behind the scene of how their life is like yk. So let me know if y'all do.

Avoid any mistakes as this is not proofread

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