Thanksgiving special

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"Hello my lovely Taekookies"

"How are you guys doing today " the boy greets as they were filming another content for their fans

"Today's video is gonna be a little short, since today is Thanksgiving we're planing on spending the day with our friends and family" he told fixing the camera

"So right now me and Kookie are going to the store to grab a few items for the thanksgiving dinner , also an about an hour or so Jinnie hyung and Noona are gonna come to help me with the food and other stuff" he explained

"Oh and also some of you guys wanted to see me my belly" he set the camera down and lifted his hoodie to show the now medium size round bump

"I'm 15weeks into pregnancy btw" he said caressing his stomach

Seconds later Jungkook came the down the stairs wearing almost a matching hoodie and sweats just like Tae but the only difference was Taehyung's had a little style to it while his was simple but other than that the color was close to matching

"Hey bub" he said and kiss the boys chubby cheeks

These past few week the pregnant boy has been glowing and have gained a little weight lately, guess you could blame it on the pregnancy cravings. And Jungkook couldn't help but fall in love with the boy more and more.

He would wake up in the middle of the night to hear munching sounds beside him, he checked to see Taehyung eating chips with his eyes close trying to not fall asleep. It was honestly cute

"Hi koo you ready to go" the male gave a nod and they left to the store

Time skip

The couple walk in the apartment with bags occupying their hands, mostly Jungkook since he wouldn't let the boy carry anything. Even though he told him that he would be ok

But what can you do the man was stubborn

Setting the bags down, Taehyung picked up the camera and continue the video

"Hey y'all,we just got back from the store, and I'm gonna start with dinner while Kookie is working on the decorations" he explained and then flipping the camera to Jungkook who sat on the floor struggling with the decorations

He giggled at the struggling male and set the camera down at an angle where you can see both of them from each side of the apartment

Couple hours have passed and the doorbell has rung

"Oh that must be hyungie and Noona, Kookie could you please get the door bun" the boy yelled from the kitchen and then receiving a small 'ok' from the male

"Hey Tae"
"Hey kook" they all greet

"What are you all doing here the party doesn't start till 6" he told

"Yeah we know, we wanted to help and looks like my man kook here is struggling" namjoon joked making the other chuckle and Jungkook flipping him off

"Oh Ok we could use the extra help, I was worried I had to cook all those things myself"

Many hours have passed and all the food had been cooked and set on the dinning table, the decorations were looking pretty giving off a warm atmosphere. The decorations wasn't to obnoxious it was simple and aesthetic pretty scented lit candles were set on the shelves making the room smell like pumpkin spices and all the other autumn scents

"Woah the decorations looks good, good job guys" Tae praised the guys and giving his fiancé a peck on the lip

He picked up the camera and showed the decorations and the different varieties of delicious dishes on the table

"Anyway that's it for today's video, I really hope you enjoyed it."

"I hope you have a great thanksgiving with your friends and family, and don't forget to be thankful" he winked

"As always don't forget to like, comment ,and subscribe, and I'll see you guys in the next video"

"Bye Taekookies"

"Byeee!" They all said

"Happy thanksgiving"

"Gobble gobble Woohoo!" Jungkook making the rest laugh and the video ended there

Hey y'all I'm deeply sorry for not posting

Also happy thanksgiving ik it's late but still

Hope you like this chapter, which I know you wouldn't💀

Ignore my poor attempt to writing a good chapter and also trying to be funny, I was trying to light up the mood which I failed 🤡

Anyway bye I'm gonna go kill myself now 😜🔫

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