𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 '𝚋𝚛𝚘' 𝚏𝚘𝚛 24𝚑𝚛𝚜

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"Helloooo my wonderful taekookies, how are you guys doing today" jungkook said setting the camera on the big open space on top of the air vent so it could show is half of his frame since he was sitting in his dark blue Tesla and filming another videos for his wonderful fans

"So guys today's prank is also a requested one by one of our subscribers" he said as he looked at his phone to read the message that was sent by one of they're subscribers

"Ok so I'm gonna be doing the calling my boyfriend bro prank on tae" jungkook said locking his phone after reading the message

" I'm excited to do this prank, because I wanna see how tae will react it's gonna be awsome" he said laughing a little

"Right now tae is still at school because his ass miss so many days of school so he have a lot of extra work to catch up on" jungkook said laughing

"He told me that he will be done around 6:30, and it's currently 6:10 so I'm gonna go drive around and get us food till I go pick him up I'll see you guys then" jungkook said as he close out the camera not before smiling at it


"I'm back guys I'm at our school's parking lot and waiting for tae to come out since he texted me a while ago and said he'll be out in a minute" jungkook said as he constantly look out the window to see when tae comes out so he could hide the camera

"ohh tae's coming, time to start the prank" jungkook sang excitedly as he set the camera back on the air vent

"Hey babe" tae said as he got in the car and peck jungkook's lips

" sup bro" jungkook said as he tried to hide his smile that was slowly coming to his face when tae turned his head so fast that he thought he broke his neck

" did you just call bro" tae said as he look at jungkook with frown on his face

" what!! no no" jungkook said as he start the car

" yes you literally just called me bro" tae said eyes still on jungkook

"no  I didn't probably your brain is messed up cause you've been at school for too long" jungkook said

" yeah your probably right" tae sigh as he ran a hand through his beautiful long yet short hair

" I brought you some food, eat it before it's too cold" jungkook said

oh really!!" tae said he quickly turn his head to the back seat to see a bag of panda express sitting there

Taehyung reach the backseat and took the bag and sat it on his lap as he open the bag and saw a box of orange chicken his eyes sparkle at the delicious chicken sitting in bag on his lap he squeals since  this was his favorite food from the menu

"OMG thank you baby" tae said excitedly as he lean from his seat to kiss jungkook's cheeks"

" your welcome bro" jungkook said and secretly smirk

Taehyung turn to look at jungkook again and shake his head and think to deal with jungkook later because right his panda express was more important

" why do you have a camera are we gonna film a video today" tae said as he shove a piece of chicken in his mouth finally noticing the camera that was filming everything

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