Going Live

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"Is this thing on?"

"Come here koo we're about to go live!"

"What's up Taekookies, welcome to our first ever live after years, finally!!" The petite male beams.

"I actually don't remember the last time we've done a live before, but here we are now" he giggled.

"But anyway since we're here now, why don't you guys drop some questions for us" jungkook stated.

As soon as the male said that many questions begin to flood the live causing the couple to smile.

Many questions were being asked but there's one that caught Taehyung's attention.

Who was your first Cush, and what were they like before you met Jungkook?

" umm, my first crush was this boy who I used to be friends with. not saying any names" he smiled.

"Uh he was a big jerk, I don't know what I was thinking dating him, he was an asshole" the boy frown Jungkook smirk.

Who's the most romantic?

"Me if you couldn't tell" he said with a cocky smirk.

Who cooks better?

"Me!" They both said at the same time.

"It's me bitch I was taught by my mom the best chef to ever exist" Tae said proudly.

"And I was thought by Jin hyung, you and me both know you can't surpass his cooking."

"True" then they both burst out laughing.

"Ok next question."

Who apologize first in an argument?

"Him, cause he knows if he don't apologize first his bunny looking ass won't get head rubs."

"I'm not a bunny" the male pouted.

Taehyung sent him a glare.

Which cause him to sent a sheepish smile at the cute pregnant male.

Who's the funny one?

" I think it's Tae, because he loves to do those funny skits everyday before we go to bed and it's funny watching him do it" the male explains with a fond smile causing Tae to blush.

After answering a lot of questions the male decides to get some snacks for his fiancé.

Taehyung than begin talking to the viewers showing his now big belly and showing a few baby item he have gotten.

Just as the boy was happily talking to his fan some hate comments begin to come causing him to sulk.

Hate comments such as death threats or calling him names or telling him that his a weird for being pregnant and that his a sinner.

The boy was trying so hard not to cry, he tried to ignore the negative comments by looking for positive one but it seems like all the mean comments were covering the nice positive ones.

Just came back from the kitchen with popcorn and a bowl of strawberries and many other snacks.

He frown as he sat the things on the coffee table and took a seat beside the boy.

"What's wrong mama" he ask as he sees the pregnant boy was shoulder shaking and he was sniffing and wiping his tears.

Tae shook his head and got up and left the live.

Causing Jungkook too be more confuse.

He looked at the live and read some of the comments. He's jaw clenched at the comments.

He didn't say anything and just ended the live.


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